by Jesus Christ
Despite a number of widespreading article [2][3] considering the completion and possible advantages of human genome project (HGP), there are only few article which focus on ethical concerns related to HGP, see article [1] for instance. These ethical concerns include germline intervention and also enhancement engineering.
“Germline interventions involve more significant ethical concerns, because risks will extend across generations, magnifying the impact of unforeseen consequences. While these greater risks call for added caution, most ethicists would not object to the use of germline interventions for the treatment of serious disease if we reach the point where such interventions could be performed safely and effectively.”[1]
“Enhancement engineering is widely regarded as both scientifically and ethically problematic. From a scientific standpoint, it is unlikely that we will soon be able to enhance normally functioning genes without risking grave side effects.”[1]
Furthermore, one should keep in mind that Genome Project was actually a sequence of eugenics research in the past (eugenics office was part of the United Nations shortly after the Second World War, and eugenics are still being practiced in the form of depopulation policy(ii)), and therefore it should be considered more cautiously with respect to ethics and moral conducts in practice. In practice, however, there is risk that enhancement engineering is translated to become genetic enrichment, but then there is question concerning who is responsible for both the effect of enrichment and whether the treatment will not leave under-developed countries in unwelcome condition. For instance, if numerous kids in developed countries receive genetic enrichment while people in underdeveloped countries do not receive that treatment because of economics consideration, then can it be considered as malthusian selection?
In general, malthusian selection(i) is a way created by human to introduce certain effects in order to create preferences of certain race with respect to its probability of survival. By introducing malthusian selection effect to a particular race then such a practice can be considered as violation of human right, since it would mean that certain genetic treatment and enhancement are available only for certain race for particular malthusian reasons.
Whether such a malthusian selection is true or not is yet to be confirmed by either NIH or genome project consortium, and it is apparent that genetic enhancement will not be considered available to many human being in the foreseeable future. It is much more making sense that genetic engineers who are doctors that are responsible for genetic enhancement only offer their special service for a particular number of patients who are economically possible to give them better position to get genetic enhancement and enrichment treatment.
Apart from malthusian aspects of such enhancement engineering,[1] there are other aspects of both genetic and genome related research which can be considered unethical, that is: who will be the subject of genome extensive research in the forthcoming years. It is known that for certain basic research, researchers often use mice or other animals, but for disease treatment and other drug related research, it is often required to conduct treatment test to human being. But as the effect of genetic treatment or enhancement will be spreading and extended towards other genetic related persons of the subject being treated medically, then whom will offer themselves to be the lab mice? History tells us that the victims of such drug testing abuse were often soldiers, prisoners, or people in under-developed countries. See for example the movie “Constant Gardener” (based on true story) in order you to know how such an abuse can be very large scale and country-wide, and sometimes it is backed by soldiers from developed countries. Such unethical practices and abuse in drug testing and also in using obsolete drug should be stopped and be avoided completely.
Concluding remarks
We have discussed a number of ethical considerations related to genome research and results of human genome project’s efforts. It becomes clearly apparent that there are ethical risks and also numerous questions which are open and yet to be defined by those reputable team, especially concerning the use of genetic enhancement and genetic enrichment of particular human being in comparison with other human being given differences in economics position in society.
If such questions are deemed to be valid then one should begin to explore further ethical and critical questions concerning suitability of particular treatment as a means of both malthusian selection or social darwinism agenda, which resemble in sort of eugenics in the past. These questions demand further thinking and ethical considerations beyond what are common to most common genetic engineers.
November 21st, 2010
VC, from
[1] M. Carroll & J. Ciaffa (2003), “The Human Genome Project: a scientific and ethical overview,”
[2] NIH (2010) dated November 7, 2010
(i) malthusian selection, on the other hand, is proposed as a force for selection at the level of populations in addition to natural selection. "...the malthusian paradigm pictures competition between organisms of the same species as an important force. Attention was shifted from the struggle between the lion and the lamb to that between the lamb and the lamb." source:
(ii) depopulation policy. See NSSM 200, that is depopulation policy as part social darwinism. Source:
Minggu, 21 November 2010
Senin, 25 Oktober 2010
Grand Designer, GOD & Science
Grand Designer, GOD & Science
Dear Advisors, Authors & Readers of SGJ:
Scientific GOD Journal has just published its latest issue Volume 1 Issue 7
entitled "Grand Designer, GOD & Science, Before Big Bang" at We invite you to review the Table of
Contents here and then visit SGJ web site to review articles and items of
Thanks for the continuing interest in and suppor of SGJ,
Huping Hu
Scientific GOD Inc.
Scientific GOD Journal
Vol 1, No 7 (2010): Grand Designer, GOD & Science, Before Big Bang
Table of Contents
The Grand Designer: Can Hawking's Godless Theory of Everything Run without
Graham P. Smetham
Some Reflections on God and Science
Himangsu S. Pal
Timeless & Climax
Himangsu S. Pal
Book Review
Review of Stephen C. Meyer’s Book: Signature in the Cell: DNA and the
Evidence for Intelligent Design
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Stuart Kauffman’s Book: Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of
Science, Reason, and Religion
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Mike Gene’s Book: The Design Matrix: A Consilience of Clues
Stephen P. Smith
Review of John C. Landon’s Book: World History and the Eonic Effect:
Civilization, Darwinism, and Theories of Evolution
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Frank Ryan’s Book: Darwin's Blind Spot: Evolution beyond
Natural Selection
Stephen P. Smith
Horizon: Before the Big Bang
Philip E. Gibbs
What before Big Bang?
Matti Pitkanen
Dear Advisors, Authors & Readers of SGJ:
Scientific GOD Journal has just published its latest issue Volume 1 Issue 7
entitled "Grand Designer, GOD & Science, Before Big Bang" at We invite you to review the Table of
Contents here and then visit SGJ web site to review articles and items of
Thanks for the continuing interest in and suppor of SGJ,
Huping Hu
Scientific GOD Inc.
Scientific GOD Journal
Vol 1, No 7 (2010): Grand Designer, GOD & Science, Before Big Bang
Table of Contents
The Grand Designer: Can Hawking's Godless Theory of Everything Run without
Graham P. Smetham
Some Reflections on God and Science
Himangsu S. Pal
Timeless & Climax
Himangsu S. Pal
Book Review
Review of Stephen C. Meyer’s Book: Signature in the Cell: DNA and the
Evidence for Intelligent Design
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Stuart Kauffman’s Book: Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of
Science, Reason, and Religion
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Mike Gene’s Book: The Design Matrix: A Consilience of Clues
Stephen P. Smith
Review of John C. Landon’s Book: World History and the Eonic Effect:
Civilization, Darwinism, and Theories of Evolution
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Frank Ryan’s Book: Darwin's Blind Spot: Evolution beyond
Natural Selection
Stephen P. Smith
Horizon: Before the Big Bang
Philip E. Gibbs
What before Big Bang?
Matti Pitkanen
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010
Scientific GOD Journal has just published new issue
Scientific GOD Journal: (download link di:
Scientific GOD Journal has just published Volume 1 Issue 6 entitled
"Mysteries of Creation, Evolution & the Void" at We invite you to review the Table of
Contents here and then visit SGJ web site to review articles and items of
Thanks for the continuing interest in and support of SGJ,
Very truly yours,
Huping Hu
SGJ Editor
Scientific GOD Inc.
Scientific GOD Journal
Vol 1, No 6 (2010): Mysteries of Creation, Evolution & the Void
Table of Contents
Another Look at Physics: It's a Dynamic Universe
Diosdado F. Fragata
Mystical Experiences
How This Place Works
Clifford White
The Templix of GNOS
Yale S. Landsberg
GOD, Scientists & the Void
Himangsu S. Paul
Book Review
Review of Suzan Mazur's Book: The Altenberg 16: An Exposé of the Evolution
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Jerry A. Fodor & Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini's Book: What Darwin
Got Wrong
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Amit Goswami's Book: Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution
between Darwinism and Intelligent Design
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Michael J. Behe's Book: The Edge of Evolution: The Search for
the Limits of Darwinism
Stephen P. Smith
Review of S. Conway Morris' Book: Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a
Lonely Universe
Stephen P. Smith
Grand Design, Intelligent Designer, or Simply GOD: Stephen Hawking and His
Victor Christianto
Krauss Misunderstands Energy in General Relativity to Argue against GOD
Philip E. Gibbs
GOD & Hawking
Matti Pitkanen
Scientific GOD Journal has just published Volume 1 Issue 6 entitled
"Mysteries of Creation, Evolution & the Void" at We invite you to review the Table of
Contents here and then visit SGJ web site to review articles and items of
Thanks for the continuing interest in and support of SGJ,
Very truly yours,
Huping Hu
SGJ Editor
Scientific GOD Inc.
Scientific GOD Journal
Vol 1, No 6 (2010): Mysteries of Creation, Evolution & the Void
Table of Contents
Another Look at Physics: It's a Dynamic Universe
Diosdado F. Fragata
Mystical Experiences
How This Place Works
Clifford White
The Templix of GNOS
Yale S. Landsberg
GOD, Scientists & the Void
Himangsu S. Paul
Book Review
Review of Suzan Mazur's Book: The Altenberg 16: An Exposé of the Evolution
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Jerry A. Fodor & Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini's Book: What Darwin
Got Wrong
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Amit Goswami's Book: Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution
between Darwinism and Intelligent Design
Stephen P. Smith
Review of Michael J. Behe's Book: The Edge of Evolution: The Search for
the Limits of Darwinism
Stephen P. Smith
Review of S. Conway Morris' Book: Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a
Lonely Universe
Stephen P. Smith
Grand Design, Intelligent Designer, or Simply GOD: Stephen Hawking and His
Victor Christianto
Krauss Misunderstands Energy in General Relativity to Argue against GOD
Philip E. Gibbs
GOD & Hawking
Matti Pitkanen
Jumat, 03 September 2010
how ExxonMobil has adopted the tobacco industry's disinformation tactics
TruthSeeker says:
Yes I heard that:
Both Exxon and Koch are actively funding anti-global campaigns and websites.
--Between 1997 and 2008, Koch Industries donated a total of nearly $48 million to climate opposition groups
--A report from the Union of Concerned Scientists offers the most comprehensive documentation to date of how ExxonMobil has adopted the tobacco industry's disinformation tactics, as well as some of the same organizations and personnel, to cloud the scientific understanding of climate change and delay action on the issue. According to the report, ExxonMobil has funneled nearly $16 million between 1998 and 2005 to a network of 43 advocacy organizations that seek to confuse the public on global warming science.
Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air: How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco's Tactics to "Manufacture Uncertainty" on Climate Change details how the oil company, like the tobacco industry in previous decades, has
* raised doubts about even the most indisputable scientific evidence
* funded an array of front organizations to create the appearance of a broad platform for a tight-knit group of vocal climate change contrarians who misrepresent peer-reviewed scientific findings
* attempted to portray its opposition to action as a positive quest for "sound science" rather than business self-interest
* used its access to the Bush administration to block federal policies and shape government communications on global warming
Yes I heard that:
Both Exxon and Koch are actively funding anti-global campaigns and websites.
--Between 1997 and 2008, Koch Industries donated a total of nearly $48 million to climate opposition groups
--A report from the Union of Concerned Scientists offers the most comprehensive documentation to date of how ExxonMobil has adopted the tobacco industry's disinformation tactics, as well as some of the same organizations and personnel, to cloud the scientific understanding of climate change and delay action on the issue. According to the report, ExxonMobil has funneled nearly $16 million between 1998 and 2005 to a network of 43 advocacy organizations that seek to confuse the public on global warming science.
Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air: How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco's Tactics to "Manufacture Uncertainty" on Climate Change details how the oil company, like the tobacco industry in previous decades, has
* raised doubts about even the most indisputable scientific evidence
* funded an array of front organizations to create the appearance of a broad platform for a tight-knit group of vocal climate change contrarians who misrepresent peer-reviewed scientific findings
* attempted to portray its opposition to action as a positive quest for "sound science" rather than business self-interest
* used its access to the Bush administration to block federal policies and shape government communications on global warming
Kamis, 02 September 2010
grand design, intelligent designer, or simply God: stephen hawking and his hoax
by Jesus Christ
There are a number of good reason to say that big bang support evolution theory's idea of creation by pure statistical chance alone. And that is why: some people do think that big bang can happen out of nothing. That standpoint of view, albeit not new, are reiterated by stephen hawking from cambridge, in his latest book: the grand design.[1][2]
Another middle-point of view, if you are believer of middle-viewpoint, is that there is a substantial amount of complexity which is irreducible in nature, sufficient enough to say that there must be the Grand Intelligent Designer, according to Behe and a host of other proponents of ID.[3][4] But still they do not want to admit that there should be God who are behind those flawless creations.
Now if you are really an astronomy person, you can free your mind of those emotional baggage from philosophical school or other teacher who do not prove anything in their life, and start to think afresh from data:
a. if big bang is true, then the universe stabilise and evolve to become more and more structured, but that is contradiction to the basic proposition of second law of thermodynamics, that entropy is created continuously along the time. Using this argument alone, which stephen hawking should be more adept because he is famous for his black hole entropy which has never been observed.
b. furthermore, typical of philosopher like stephen hawking (even if he said that philosophy is dead), he only wish to have his words heard, regardless without sufficient proof. For you to know, according to black hole proponents, there should be blackhole inside the galaxy center of our Milky way. But despite there is very large mass inside the Milky way center, its center remains bright, that is enough disproof for the entire career of stephen hawking.

c. if you are honest astronomer, there is growing consensus of the universal law which suggest not only irreducible complexity, but also scale-organization (note that this time we do not use, self-organization). By scale organization we mean that there is seemingly organization accross different scale, which can be characterized for instance by hausdorff dimension ~2, for instance accross different astrophysics observation.[6] There is also hint pointing toward ordering in nature, for instance quantization of planets both in solar system and beyond (exoplanets) seem to suggest that the Grand Designer, means clearly God, do create and recreate the universe.[7]
d. some other clever physicist like Erwin Schrodinger has suggested that there should be negative-entropy in order to resolve the problem of entropy in the big bang and time progress, but nobody seem to observe the negative entropy.
e. similar hausdorff measure can be found in quantum mechanics. Feynman already mentioned that quantum mechanics are characterized by dimension ~2. See the work of Ord, Nottale, and others for they are already completing their program concerning scale relativity theory.[7]
f. even if your calculation points to something, which this time we should verify if stephen hawking calculate his own proposition, saying that you can create something out of nothing is not only ridiculous but awkward, just the same way as you always think of black hole which do not exist.
g. Hawking apparently argue in his last book, that based on quantum theory then the universe has multiverse-history, but that is only if we accept the notion of sum-over-history and path-integral quantum mechanics. The meaning is that what he says is full of 'ifs', furthermore hawking's model is full of fine-tuning of parameters (We discuss how the laws of our particular universe are extraordinarily finely tuned so as to allow for our existence), just like what M-theory proponents are busy trying in order they can explain elementary particles. Do not be disguised by hawking often poking with philosophical questions, because this guy has not the same quality of Einstein to ponder things deeply even with simple thinking-experiment. The result of quantization model in astrophysics, suggest that the distance between the Sun and Earth, for instance is not result of anthropic principle, but can be derived from a wave-equation model.[7] Actually, anthropic principle is another circular logic type of thinking, kind of thinking which an old guy tend to use to fool a young student.
h. another remarkable coincidence is that the Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature, that is 2.73 degree Kelvin, are surprisingly resemble menger sponge dimension. In other words, the Cosmos may look like a big sponge just like what Zel'dovich outlined few years ago.[8]
i. of course, microbiologist or palaeonthologist or philantrophist like bill gates perhaps has their own way to say whether they prefer to be believers of God or not. And even if you are a philosophy student, then you may have risk to get your grade scaled down only because you admit that you do not swallow all evolution garbage.
Finally, to quote last comment by Paul Sheldon in [1]:
"I choose to believe in a God that is so kind as to permit me to understand without dismissing me with “Just because I said so”. Such a God does do something in the universe: he is what Jaim Ginnott called a good teacher/student. My faith says I and the entire research community are manifestations of God."
What can we conclude from enormous number of astronomic observation? Apparently, if one is humble enough, then one can say along with the Psalm 19:1 : “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handy work.” And that: “God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.” (Psalm 53:2).
Sept. 3, 2010
love, Jesus Christ
[2] the grand design and some criticism,
[3] comment to Behe's Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution,
[4] other comment on Behe,,
[5] see this smitsonian picture of center of Milky Way. In other words, milky way center show a bar and bright center, and not a black hole. url:
[6] there is K measure suggest such large Hausdorff dimension ~2 to large scale structures, Martinis And Sosic, arXiv:astro-ph/0708.0173 (2007)
[7] few years ago we wrote a book consist of documentary of quantization of astrophysics, title: Quantization in astrophysics, brownian motion, and supersymmetry. Tamil Nadu, 2007, available in (this book has been downloaded more than 1000 times in the first 3 days). url:
[8] for further discussion of Menger sponge and the CMBR/COBE data, see M. El Naschie, Chaos, Soliton, and Fractals 41 (2009) 2635-2646.
There are a number of good reason to say that big bang support evolution theory's idea of creation by pure statistical chance alone. And that is why: some people do think that big bang can happen out of nothing. That standpoint of view, albeit not new, are reiterated by stephen hawking from cambridge, in his latest book: the grand design.[1][2]
Another middle-point of view, if you are believer of middle-viewpoint, is that there is a substantial amount of complexity which is irreducible in nature, sufficient enough to say that there must be the Grand Intelligent Designer, according to Behe and a host of other proponents of ID.[3][4] But still they do not want to admit that there should be God who are behind those flawless creations.
Now if you are really an astronomy person, you can free your mind of those emotional baggage from philosophical school or other teacher who do not prove anything in their life, and start to think afresh from data:
a. if big bang is true, then the universe stabilise and evolve to become more and more structured, but that is contradiction to the basic proposition of second law of thermodynamics, that entropy is created continuously along the time. Using this argument alone, which stephen hawking should be more adept because he is famous for his black hole entropy which has never been observed.
b. furthermore, typical of philosopher like stephen hawking (even if he said that philosophy is dead), he only wish to have his words heard, regardless without sufficient proof. For you to know, according to black hole proponents, there should be blackhole inside the galaxy center of our Milky way. But despite there is very large mass inside the Milky way center, its center remains bright, that is enough disproof for the entire career of stephen hawking.

c. if you are honest astronomer, there is growing consensus of the universal law which suggest not only irreducible complexity, but also scale-organization (note that this time we do not use, self-organization). By scale organization we mean that there is seemingly organization accross different scale, which can be characterized for instance by hausdorff dimension ~2, for instance accross different astrophysics observation.[6] There is also hint pointing toward ordering in nature, for instance quantization of planets both in solar system and beyond (exoplanets) seem to suggest that the Grand Designer, means clearly God, do create and recreate the universe.[7]
d. some other clever physicist like Erwin Schrodinger has suggested that there should be negative-entropy in order to resolve the problem of entropy in the big bang and time progress, but nobody seem to observe the negative entropy.
e. similar hausdorff measure can be found in quantum mechanics. Feynman already mentioned that quantum mechanics are characterized by dimension ~2. See the work of Ord, Nottale, and others for they are already completing their program concerning scale relativity theory.[7]
f. even if your calculation points to something, which this time we should verify if stephen hawking calculate his own proposition, saying that you can create something out of nothing is not only ridiculous but awkward, just the same way as you always think of black hole which do not exist.
g. Hawking apparently argue in his last book, that based on quantum theory then the universe has multiverse-history, but that is only if we accept the notion of sum-over-history and path-integral quantum mechanics. The meaning is that what he says is full of 'ifs', furthermore hawking's model is full of fine-tuning of parameters (We discuss how the laws of our particular universe are extraordinarily finely tuned so as to allow for our existence), just like what M-theory proponents are busy trying in order they can explain elementary particles. Do not be disguised by hawking often poking with philosophical questions, because this guy has not the same quality of Einstein to ponder things deeply even with simple thinking-experiment. The result of quantization model in astrophysics, suggest that the distance between the Sun and Earth, for instance is not result of anthropic principle, but can be derived from a wave-equation model.[7] Actually, anthropic principle is another circular logic type of thinking, kind of thinking which an old guy tend to use to fool a young student.
h. another remarkable coincidence is that the Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature, that is 2.73 degree Kelvin, are surprisingly resemble menger sponge dimension. In other words, the Cosmos may look like a big sponge just like what Zel'dovich outlined few years ago.[8]
i. of course, microbiologist or palaeonthologist or philantrophist like bill gates perhaps has their own way to say whether they prefer to be believers of God or not. And even if you are a philosophy student, then you may have risk to get your grade scaled down only because you admit that you do not swallow all evolution garbage.
Finally, to quote last comment by Paul Sheldon in [1]:
"I choose to believe in a God that is so kind as to permit me to understand without dismissing me with “Just because I said so”. Such a God does do something in the universe: he is what Jaim Ginnott called a good teacher/student. My faith says I and the entire research community are manifestations of God."
What can we conclude from enormous number of astronomic observation? Apparently, if one is humble enough, then one can say along with the Psalm 19:1 : “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handy work.” And that: “God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.” (Psalm 53:2).
Sept. 3, 2010
love, Jesus Christ
[2] the grand design and some criticism,
[3] comment to Behe's Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution,
[4] other comment on Behe,,
[5] see this smitsonian picture of center of Milky Way. In other words, milky way center show a bar and bright center, and not a black hole. url:
[6] there is K measure suggest such large Hausdorff dimension ~2 to large scale structures, Martinis And Sosic, arXiv:astro-ph/0708.0173 (2007)
[7] few years ago we wrote a book consist of documentary of quantization of astrophysics, title: Quantization in astrophysics, brownian motion, and supersymmetry. Tamil Nadu, 2007, available in (this book has been downloaded more than 1000 times in the first 3 days). url:
[8] for further discussion of Menger sponge and the CMBR/COBE data, see M. El Naschie, Chaos, Soliton, and Fractals 41 (2009) 2635-2646.
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
what is world humanitarian forum
by Jesus Christ
For you to know: world humanitarian forum is part of club of rome activities.
quote: "Mr. Walter Fust, Director General of the World Humanitarian Forum;"
The main theme of club of rome is quite clear, that is they demand that:
"radical measures must be taken urgently to avert the risks of runaway climate change and ecosystems collapse."[2] What they mean with radical measures
include excessive and massive depopulatin policy including devastating a number of countries, which they think are beyond control, including but not limited to el salvador.
Quote: "According to an NSC spokesman, Kissinger initiated both groups after discussion with leaders of the Club of Rome during the 1974 population
conferences in Bucharest and Rome. The Club of Rome, controlled by Europe's black nobility, is the primary promotion agency for the genocidal reduction
of world population levels. The Ad Hoc Group was given "high priority" by the Carter administration, through the intervention of National Security Adviser
Zbigniew Brzezinski and Secretaries of State Cyrus Vance and Edmund Muskie. "[1]
Their main character is typical of destructionist, that is those people who think that they can develop and build after they destruct a number of countries.
quote: "the financial crisis and the consequent economic slowdown provide an exceptional opportunity to restructure economic and financial systems
so as to achieve new patterns of environmentally sound."[2]
See also a pseudo-lecture in [3], how population is seen as major problem, and therefore massive depopulation is their opt choice to solve. That is the
character of global depopulation policy promoted by the club of rome, world humanitarian forum, and global humanitarian forum. This project they call as
"a new international humanitarian order," as new term of NWO (new world order).
The characters of the message by those global pseudo-leaders who are almost all industrial leaders, are not so different from the message from nobel for peace summit in nov. 2009, [4] with exception that in the Nobel for peace laureates' message there is no specific mention of "depopulation policy" as solution of global problems.
love, Jesus Christ
29 august 2010
[1] world depopulation is top NSA agenda: club of rome,
[3]club of rome: inching towards peace,
[4] quote: "Franz Josef Radermacher from the Club of Rome and Global Marshall Plan initiative, Ian Dunlop from the Club of Rome,"
For you to know: world humanitarian forum is part of club of rome activities.
quote: "Mr. Walter Fust, Director General of the World Humanitarian Forum;"
The main theme of club of rome is quite clear, that is they demand that:
"radical measures must be taken urgently to avert the risks of runaway climate change and ecosystems collapse."[2] What they mean with radical measures
include excessive and massive depopulatin policy including devastating a number of countries, which they think are beyond control, including but not limited to el salvador.
Quote: "According to an NSC spokesman, Kissinger initiated both groups after discussion with leaders of the Club of Rome during the 1974 population
conferences in Bucharest and Rome. The Club of Rome, controlled by Europe's black nobility, is the primary promotion agency for the genocidal reduction
of world population levels. The Ad Hoc Group was given "high priority" by the Carter administration, through the intervention of National Security Adviser
Zbigniew Brzezinski and Secretaries of State Cyrus Vance and Edmund Muskie. "[1]
Their main character is typical of destructionist, that is those people who think that they can develop and build after they destruct a number of countries.
quote: "the financial crisis and the consequent economic slowdown provide an exceptional opportunity to restructure economic and financial systems
so as to achieve new patterns of environmentally sound."[2]
See also a pseudo-lecture in [3], how population is seen as major problem, and therefore massive depopulation is their opt choice to solve. That is the
character of global depopulation policy promoted by the club of rome, world humanitarian forum, and global humanitarian forum. This project they call as
"a new international humanitarian order," as new term of NWO (new world order).
The characters of the message by those global pseudo-leaders who are almost all industrial leaders, are not so different from the message from nobel for peace summit in nov. 2009, [4] with exception that in the Nobel for peace laureates' message there is no specific mention of "depopulation policy" as solution of global problems.
love, Jesus Christ
29 august 2010
[1] world depopulation is top NSA agenda: club of rome,
[3]club of rome: inching towards peace,
[4] quote: "Franz Josef Radermacher from the Club of Rome and Global Marshall Plan initiative, Ian Dunlop from the Club of Rome,"
Senin, 16 Agustus 2010
Why you should believe to Jesus Christ, even if you are not a Jews
by Jesus Christ
Some people think that Jesus Christ come into the world for Jews people only, and that is why they tend to think that Jesus would not save people if they are not born as Jews. That is why they think that there is no point to follow Jesus if they are not Jews; they often cite a text in the Bible, for example: the book of Gospel of Mark 7:27. Actually what counts in the Bible is faith to God in the name of Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 3:16:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
There are numerous people which are not Jews but they participate in the work of salvation because of faith to God of Abraham and Israel. The following is a small example of those people:
a. Abraham is also a foreigner to the promised land for Israel, but he believe in God. The book of Genesis 15:6, and the book of epistle to Rome 4:3.
b. Ruth is a moabitess woman who turn her faith to God of Israel and then she gave birth Obed who then had son Jesse. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Ruth 2:2, and also Ruth 4:17, and also the book of Gospel of Matthew 1:5. Read also how Bo’az gave his blessing to Ruth because of her trust to God of Israel, in the book of Ruth 2:12.
c. There is a woman who receive salvation because she believe to Jesus Christ. Read the book of Gospel of John 4:7-29.
d. There are other people which received healing miracles by Jesus Christ, even if they are Samaritan. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Luke 17:11-19.
That is why: do not worry do not worry about anything, and even if you were not born in middle east part of this earth, or you were born in Europe or you were born in asia region, Jesus really really really love you, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.
That is the message for you today.
mid august, 2010
Love, Jesus Christ
Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ
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Some people think that Jesus Christ come into the world for Jews people only, and that is why they tend to think that Jesus would not save people if they are not born as Jews. That is why they think that there is no point to follow Jesus if they are not Jews; they often cite a text in the Bible, for example: the book of Gospel of Mark 7:27. Actually what counts in the Bible is faith to God in the name of Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 3:16:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
There are numerous people which are not Jews but they participate in the work of salvation because of faith to God of Abraham and Israel. The following is a small example of those people:
a. Abraham is also a foreigner to the promised land for Israel, but he believe in God. The book of Genesis 15:6, and the book of epistle to Rome 4:3.
b. Ruth is a moabitess woman who turn her faith to God of Israel and then she gave birth Obed who then had son Jesse. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Ruth 2:2, and also Ruth 4:17, and also the book of Gospel of Matthew 1:5. Read also how Bo’az gave his blessing to Ruth because of her trust to God of Israel, in the book of Ruth 2:12.
c. There is a woman who receive salvation because she believe to Jesus Christ. Read the book of Gospel of John 4:7-29.
d. There are other people which received healing miracles by Jesus Christ, even if they are Samaritan. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Luke 17:11-19.
That is why: do not worry do not worry about anything, and even if you were not born in middle east part of this earth, or you were born in Europe or you were born in asia region, Jesus really really really love you, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.
That is the message for you today.
mid august, 2010
Love, Jesus Christ
Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ
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