Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

information economics and Evangelization

Information economics and Evangelization
by Jesus Christ

Christian people often think that they should focus on taking care their family, they call it a life. And they think that Evangelization is only for preachers and evangelists like Billy Graham. Actually they only do not want to risk their life, they only want to maximize their utility value. And the meaning of that principle is they think that Evangelization has no utility value.
That is the common belief in modern economics. In modern economics, people is taught that they should only maximize their utility. And the society welfare will take care of itself, they call it laisez-faire. That basic common belief can be summarized as work equal to wealth. And welfare is aggregate result of accumulation of wealth by all society members. We can summarize that principle as follows:
Wealth = work.

Actually that principle do not work good, because people know that they need to participate in society, including democracy and government. Work can also be extended with information, and that is communication and network. We know that some people get their wealth by improving their network, that is marketer work. That is why we can define that actually the Wealth equation should be written as follows:
Wealth = work + communication + network.

But you should know that some people can maximize their utility in a cruel way such that they do not allow other people to get their wealth. For example, there is a cruel government who do not pay all employees at all in order only a few people at the top level can reach their wealth. Please read Jeremiah 22:13-14. See also the reference by Jesus Christ (2009). Such a cruel government should be replaced, but you should pray and ask for help to God first, because that cruel government will be more cruel.
That is why a society need to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do their repentance properly, and they will begin to take care each other, and welfare will be improved gradually. A society can repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, if they hear the Good News and Holy Spirit work. And they hear the Good News only if enough Christian people do evangelization properly. That is why evangelization is very important for people to get wealth, and it is very critical for societies in order they can achieve welfare. There is no such welfare without evangelization. That is why the proper wealth equation should be written as follows:

wealth = work + communication + network + Evangelization.

You should know that Me, Jesus Christ, will come again very very soon. Be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Please read Isaiah 45:22-25. Tweet this message and distribute this message to all your friends quickly today.

Jesus Christ (2009), 'How you can help difficult people,' in the book Articles dictated by Jesus Christ. URL: http://www.esnips.com/web/RepentanceGuide or http://www.esnips.com/web/Guidetorepent. click at www.twitter.com/guidetorepent

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