Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

how you can rectify numerous problem in America economy

by Jesus Christ

Some people especially in government team and especially those who work with russell sage foundation(b) and also with james rothenberg and also all people who are part of lawrence summers team, think that the present crisis in America is very very very very very difficult to solve because America economy is near to collapse and there is no liquidity at all in banking system. Don’t you know that people who work with lawrence summers, --including a number of economic scholar who teach in harvard university and few of them are related to another scandal that is a scandal that ruin Russia economy completely(andrei shleifer, see reference [4]),-- do not like to find out solution to the present America crisis, because they only want to get more and more money from America banking. And they think that America banking resemble a bakery which are always ready to print more money for their roaring mouth, and then they think that America banking is so stupid that they can pretend as a doctor who always hide the correct receipt until all money of their patient are drained completely, and that is why: their receipt is what they call as behaviorism economics, and that is why they hire twenty nine scholar from russell sage foundation who are expert in behaviorism economics.[4](b)
Don’t you know that some economist literally speaking play that role of such psychiatrist who do not have heart at all even if their patient already go bankrupt. Don’t you know that psychiatrist often focus their attention to numerous wealthy and healthy people, and then they want to literally speaking take all mammon out of their patient, just like a hostage. And after numerous visiting, the hostage will develop stockholm syndrome, and that is all their plan. There is another joke that: numerous people are drained and that is why if your children swallow a coin, do not call a doctor, just call a psychiatrist because they know much better how to take mammon and all coin not only from the mouth of your children, but they will also take another coin out from your pocket. Another joke can be said: how do you call a hundred of psychiatrist in the bottom of the sea? Answer: a good start. And the same joke can be made to other cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel type of people and that is to prosperity theology preacher: how do you call a hundred of prosperity theology false preacher in the bottom of the sea? Answer: a good start, because all of them are false preacher, and they often take all mammon literally speaking from their people who want to find consolation out of their plentitude of blessing. And that is why: throw away all prosperity theology preacher and also throw away all psychiatrist and throw away all behaviorism economist including james rothenberg and also lawrence summers quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the bottom of the sea, without hesitation and without even talk, and do not make another series of public hearing again. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7.
Krugman have published a recent book on depression economics, the title of his recent book is: the return of depression economics,[2] published by w.w. norton and company, inc., new York (2009). A good chapter is devoted to history of America recession since 1907, exactly when knickerbocker trust collapse completely after failure to support numerous stock market trader, and they do not support anymore because of rush in their office that indicate that people lose their confidence in their scheme of investment (see page 156). And then you can compare that story of collapsing knickerbocker pseudo-banking organization with Krugman’s explanation of logic behind America recession in 2008, exactly because a number of investment company do similar risky investment including in secondary mortgage, stock market and also foreign exchange market (page 190), and they are not properly regulated just like knickerbocker trust in 1907, and that is indicating one hundred year cycle of crisis. And you should know that there are numerous pseudo-banking company in America who accept investment from their client (--exactly similar to what they call as ‘trust’ around one hundred year ago, see again page 156 of that book--), but they do not provide security nor they provide insurance if something happen to their client’s mammon, and don’t you know that America always are reluctant to regulate those pseudo-banking system including to regulate cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel investment advisor such as soros foundation, taconic capital advisor and ltcm, who are going bankrupt exactly because of the same lawrence summers’s uncle and that is samuelson (see page 137), and the reason behind such reluctance is because all economist actually worship free market, and they call that as the social virtue of free market exchange, exactly because they think that each time you do market transaction then you contribute something to social utility. And that is why: America are reluctant to regulate such a cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel malpractice by numerous economics scholar who play against stability of America economy. But as Krugman point out numerous time in his recent book, the situation is more less similar with what happen one hundred year ago and that is: a number of pseudo-bank do numerous risky investment which is actually not an economics activity at all, but only do paper mammon activity, including they do not report properly to banking authority, and after sometime they become even more greedy and that after they bump to risky problem then they ask for help from banking system, and that is how banking system now should suffer exactly because of that noise trader. And why do you spare the life of those noise trader? Because you like their dream of getting financial wealth only by collecting information, and that is exactly what happen: if you only want to maximize your utility without work at all, you should succumb to darkness at the end of your life. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 4:9-10. And to all of you who operate a true banking in America, don’t you realize that you develop mutual dependence just like in stockholm syndrome? And that is why: your heart become weak and you listen to what all of those soros quantum fund and ltcm and other foreign exchange market trader say to you. and now time for you to wake up from your stockholm syndrome, and do quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly terminate all foreign exchange market trader right now.
Don’t you read another paper by j. Frankel sometime ago? [3] That is a good article to ponder if you are really really really really really a good economist without a cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel heart, that is because you will find that volatility is often caused by foreign exchange trader, which you can call as ‘noise trader.’ Don’t you know that noise trader is everywhere, but there is no regulation at all especially to foreign exchange trader, as explained by Krugman in page 190:
‘there were some calls for long-term restrictions on international capital flows, not just temporary controls in times of crisis. For the most part of these calls were rejected in favor of a strategy of building up large foreign exchange reserve that were supposed to stave off future crises. Not it seems that this strategy didn’t work.’ [2] p.190
And that is why: you should not believe to noise trader, and you should not lend your money to them too, because there is high likelihood that your investment money to them will disappear with probability chance more than 75%, just as what happen with ltcm. And that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to throw away all foreign exchange noise trader out of the window or just throw all of foreign exchange trader including all george soros family quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now into the fire. All of them foreign exchange trader only want to make noise, because noise mean volatility and they can make money if there is big big big big volatility in the market, especially if there is country who were pushed to do devaluation, then those foreign exchange trader will be much much much much much more richer. And that is the meaning of zero-sum game.
And don’t you see that America economy is a delicate machine that you do not comprehend at all, and that is because those noise trader already write numerous book including book by lawrence summers of behaviorism in finance,(c) but you should know that lawrence summers is a corrupt minister, and the pattern is that as follows: it will make your organization bankrupt just like what it do before in Harvard university, and then it will hire a number of consultant in order they can speak properly about the situation that make that bankrupt is not awfully attributed to larry summers, and then larry summers do numerous transaction again in foreign exchange trading, and go bankrupt again but this time with plenty plenty of ruining failure, exactly because it put so much mammon in currency and also in oil stock market but something happen, and that is: a number of renewable energy flourish in the past two year, and the effect is that larry summers find himself literally speaking ruining, and that is why: it accept position of Harvard professor again before it are elected to be u.s.a minister of finance and treasury. And that is why: you should terminate larry summers because it do not want new company who focus on real renewable energy, because that is how their position in oil price will fall completely if numerous company work out renewable energy effort in order to remove oil dependency from America. My messenger do not know their scheme to make America bankrupt, he only read that oil price steadily increase around two year ago, and that is why My messenger do something that he can do, and that is: to invite a number of theoretical physics professor to work out a book discussion theoretical possibility of new energy technology, but My messenger do not want to speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ, in that book, but now he stop writing another book on globalization. And that is why: do not blame My messenger because he reject tokamak hot fusion technology as the unworking energy technology to generate energy from plasma, exactly because they do blasphemy and they want to build a replica of the sun in the earth, actually they can optimize to tap cosmic ray energy from the sun, instead of developing another small sun in earth. don’t you know that if you continue such a tokamak plasma research, then you will be punished severely severely severely severely severely in eternity.
And don’t you know that if you continue research on tokamak plasma, --which is full of instability and impossible to reach effective energy technology with output energy divided by input energy should be larger than one,-- then you will give time for big big big oil company people to destroy the world completely because they will say that there is no scalable alternative to oil energy for the past five decade and that is why: they will always play their trick that is to create noise again in a number of country such as Venezuela or Nigeria who are actually a good oil exporter country with a number of foreign oil company already there. And what they do while ruining Venezuela country is that: they will sponsor and promote a number of people to do rebellion move, and that news will be covered in a number of public newspaper, and then all people in the world will hear to that news, and they will do rational expectation, and then oil price will go higher and higher just like you do with fried potato, the temperature will be increasing, and that is how oil company especially all mnc including bechtel and carlyle group are getting very very very very very rich lately. And after a while then you will find that all oil resources in the world are already bought by those cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel oil multinational company. And that is why: do your best to terminate rockefeller family, and also herbert bush family, and also bin laden family and also carlyle group family, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

Don’t you know that noise trader is well defined by J.a. Frankel,[3] and noise traders can and are willing to create needless volatility and thereby force more risk-averse investors to stay away from marketplace. And that is the meaning of noise trader: they often create a number of gossip story in order a number of investment company collapse and then there will be huge market volatility. And don’t you know who are master to create such market volatility: that is rockefeller and morgan family, and after they create a number of issue such as what happened in new York in 1907,[2] and they will offer their help and that is why: their name look like a hero in America history. Don’t you know that their method is copied again by hitler who put a number of detonator in bundestag in order another political party can be blamed, and then hitler’s political party gain supremacy just before hitler declare warfare period against Poland. Don’t you know that rockefeller family also support numerous cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel experiment in order to maximize capacity of a number of pharmaceutical company, and that is to verify a number of biomedical hypothesis without care to human right at all, and that is what they do in numerous termination camp including auschwitz, dachau and other termination camp in second world war period.(d)

And that is why: throw away all rockefeller family including throw away all family of soros and zbigniew brzezinski who initiate trilateral commission with rockefeller. Don’t you know that their plan is very very very very very ambitious and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel, and that is mengele plan: they want to create a large large scale of termination camp and that is your country and all the world, and that is how they plan to ruin America and the world: [1]
a. They will drain completely liquidity or m1, m2, m3 in the whole America without even written consent by federal reserve bank.
b. They can do that because they already isolate federal reserve bank by an act or bill that is to make federal reserve bank sterile from affecting banking system in America economy.
c. They can do that type of withdrawing all liquidity from all banking system in America and also worldwide, because there will be America economy integration which will make all banker are interconnected, and if something awfully cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel happen then nobody can stop the process of withdrawing all liquidity from America economy. And that is more cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel than what Nixon do in the past, and that is to denounce bretton wood system.[4] don’t you know that what happen is not only to take all the gold, but to make America literally speaking powerless, because this time they want a complete revenge not only from their defeat in second world war, but also from tobacco war with british empire around two hundred year ago.
d. And that is why: do your best to stop financial integration quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now, and terminate all internet connection to your mainframe in numerous banking in America. Don’t you know that using internet as communication facility is not the same as using internet to do database integration as a proof that you do not do corruption.
e. And don’t you know that some people are behind financial integration of database of mainframe of all banking in America, and that is: larry summers and larry ellison. And that is why: throw away larry summers and all their team of twenty nine scholar from russell sage foundation and also throw away larry ellison and all their oracle consultant quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the fire.
f. That is how you can prevent America banking system to be drained completely, and don’t you know that My messenger already write about that issue, but nobody listen, and that is why: if you do not do that quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today, then America economy will be drained completely, and the meaning is that you will have to die sooner than what GOD plan you to live. And don’t you know if you are a policeman or you are hired as a guard adviser of a banking system, but you do not give proper security protection and you allow access to mainframe using internet connection, then the meaning is that you do not do properly your duty as police and that is why: all of you security and policemen will be punished severely severely in eternity if you do not do what is written here, that is to remove all toxic from your society completely without further delay. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Ezekiel chapter 33:5-7.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. And that is how you can save America economy system from collapsing quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly before end of april 2010:
a. Terminate quickly all oracle consultant including larry ellison itself quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now;
b. Terminate quickly zbigniew brzezinski and all its international strategic center consultant;
c. Terminate quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today all twenty nine scholar of russell sage foundation,(b) including james rothenberg, larry summers, and also jim sidanius from ucla, Berkeley.
d. Terminate quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today all foreign exchange trader including terminate all economist who join taconic capital advisor, and also terminate soros family including george soros itself and also terminate all employee and consultant of soros quantum fund company;
e. Terminate all scholar and consultant who are related and supported by tavistock institute, based in London, tabernacle street, London ec2a.(a)
f. If you can do sweep and terminate all aforementioned institute and all behaviorism economist listed above, you will find that gradually America economy will recover quickly quickly quickly, and that is why: do not approve another hefty proposal of national stimulus packet which nowaday is already in congress for consideration. You will find that the effect of such national stimulus packet will be no more than another hundred of turtle tunnel project (b). and that is why: do not cure a symptom of America economy crises, but cure exactly the basic problem: the basic problem is that all of you america should work hard to remove all the toxic of noise trader and also remove all dragon family from your country, including rockefeller family, j.p. morgan family, and also Herbert bush family quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly. GOD bless you America but you should not allow those toxic to live anymore.

[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism ruin America and the world. Thesis submitted to asian theology seminary in the Philippines, but the thesis is not approved because they are very very very very very surprised that the thesis is written and dictated by Jesus Christ. In order you can read that thesis, you can download the file online in http://www.esnips.com/web/repentanceguide
[2] paul Krugman (2009) the return of depression economics, w.w.norton and company, inc., 191pp.
[3] j.a. Frankel, ‘International capital mobility and exchange rate volatility,’ URL:
[4] executive intelligence review, april 2009, vol. 36 no.15, url:

follow Jesus Christ only at http://www.twitter.com/guidetorepent

(a) tavistock institute. quote: ‘Up to that time, tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in shaping
the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in 1913 at
wellington house. Previously, wellington house board members rothmere, northcliffe, lippmann.’ source:
(b) list of the twenty nine scholars of russell sage foundation’s behaviorism economics roundtable, Anton Chaitkin, london's black ops projects, executive intelligence report, 2009. Quote: 'Roundtable 29: The russell sage foundation identifies the “behavioral economics roundtable” members as:
1. henry aaron, Brookings Institution
2. george akerlof, University of California, Berkeley
3. linda babcock, Carnegie Mellon University
4. nicholas c. barberis, Yale University
5. marianne bertrand, University of Chicago
6. roland j. m. benabou, Princeton University
7. colin camerer, California Institute of Technology
8. peter diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
9. jon elster, Columbia University
10. ernst fehr, University of Zurich
11. robert h. frank, Cornell University
12. christine jolls, Harvard University
13. daniel kahneman, Princeton University
14. david laibson, Harvard University
15. george loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University
16. brigitte madrian, University of Pennsylvania
17. sendhil mullainathan, Massachusetts Institute Technology
18. edward d. o’donoghue, Cornell University
19. terrance odean, University of California, Berkeley
20. drazen prelec, Massachusetts Institute Technology
21. matthew rabin, University of California Berkeley
22. thomas schelling, University of Maryland
23. eldar shafir, Princeton University
24. robert shiller, Yale University
-25. cass sunstein, University of Chicago
-26. richard thaler, University of Chicago
27. jean tirole, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse
28. richard zechhauser, Harvard University
29. amos tversky (until his death), Stanford University'
source: http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2009/2009_10-19/2009_10-19/2009-15/pdf/48-54_3615.pdf

(c) Quote: 'Time revealed an even larger circle of White House economic gurus, who are all proponents of the Benthamite theories of bestial man. orszag has been an unabashed behavioral geek. . . . His deputy, jeff liebman of harvard, is a noted behavioral economist, as are White House economic advisor austan goolsbee of the University of Chicago, Assistant Treasury Secretary nominee alan krueger of Princeton, and several other key aides. …Even National Economic Council director larry summers has done work on behavioral finance. And Harvard economist sendhil mullainthan is organizing an outside network of behavioral experts to provide the Administration with policy ideas, according to Time.' source: http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2009/2009_10-19/2009_10-19/2009-15/pdf/48-54_3615.pdf, p.8
(d) Quote: ' The three families, rockefeller, warburg, and harriman, together with British Crown agencies, jointly sponsored much of the social engineering enterprise we shall describe here. The rockefeller foundation made an initial grant …in 1925 to the Psychiatric Institute in Munich, …a new building in 1928, and continuously sponsored the institute and its nazi chief rudin through the hitler era. The foundation paid for a 1930-35 anthropological survey of the 'eugenically worthwhile population' by nazi eugenicists rudin, verschuer, eugen fischer, and others.’ url: http://watch.pair.com/reich.html

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