Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

Why does bill gates support depopulation agenda through vaccination? is that a malthusian agenda?

by Jesus Christ

An email someday in the middle of 2008 bear a post-scriptum as follows: “P.S. Any cause is a lost cause without a reduction in population.” What did he possibly mean with that phrase? At first sight that phrase seem quite logical, but if you ponder a bit further then you may know that the writer feel compelled to think that a reduction in population is a solution to a number of problems including perhaps economics, environment and perhaps global warming.
While that sounds a bit too much to assert that environment problems and global warming can be attributed to human population, a number of reputable scientist and not less than bill gates seem to think the same,[8] that is that reducing population can be a good solution of the problem of CO2 emission. His argument is that CO2 emitted by human being is the primary culprit of unwanted heating of the globe, therefore his argument is continued with reasoning that for reducing such an unwanted heating, then human CO2 emissions should be drastically reduced, and for doing so: then human population should be reduced systematically. His formula, as he explained in February 2010 in a public speech, can be simplified as follows:

CO2 = P x S x E x C

Where CO2, P, S, E, C each represent projected totally humanly-emitted carbondioxide, population number, average number of services per person, and the average amount of energy units per service, and the average CO2 emitted load per unit of service per year, respectively.
There are a number of video clips which you can easily found in youtube or elsewhere, which summarize his presentation. For example, see the following urls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcBKLhWY9is
And what about his method? Now that seem not too surprising, given that he has been quite active to support vaccination via his charitable foundation. Of course, that would not mean that he want to do reduce present population with vaccination, what he aims to do is to reduce the growth rate of world population.

Nonetheless, one should remember that this bill gates’ speech apparently is an echo of a number of other similar announcement by a number of group of scientist and other high-profile elites called bilderberg group. [1][2] Some of them do not need to emphasize the human carbondioxide emission problem which is arguable, but they would emphasize the earth’s carrying capacity, a new terminology which was promoted for the first time by the club of rome. The club of rome itself is another elite and clandestine group, just like bilderberg group, which support a study in 1970s which is quite well-known by the title: Limits to growth.[3] The study is based on finite earth hypothesis, and its primary argument is more or less as follows: as energy and other resources continue to be more scarce in 21th century, then at a point there would be real problem imposed by human population, which need to be addressed drastically. Limits to growth give a hundred year projection based on their model called World3, then they conclude that such a simulation give projection that unless the world take drastic measure, then before one hundred year from 1970s, human beings will find great problems.[4] Since then there are increasing movement towards addressing human population in drastic measure.
For some of you who think in the same line of thinking, and think that such a drastic measure is indeed required, you should know that such a line of thinking is called malthusian programme, which is a term for people who think in line with malthus, that human population will increase exceeding the natural resources available, and that would impose a crisis. The problem is that malthus and his proponents including bertrand russell, huxley[5] and others suggest that one can think that such a radical measure to avoid that crisis is to make a number of population reducing measure which are human-made, and that is to reduce human population systematically.

And for those of you who do not think that Limits to growth and club of rome work based on malthusian selection, you should know that in 1974, that is more or less about the time of release of the Limits to Growth report, there is a hidden guide to foreign affairs ministry of usa, which guide is known as NSSM 200 or Kissinger’s report.[6] The guide was given classified status until 2000. And if you read through the guide, then you may know that such an argument is in tune with the hidden message of limits to growth. A reasonable guess is that such a similarity is not merely a coincidence. And perhaps more surprise, the title ‘limits to growth’ is also in tune with Robert Anderson’s ideology which he promoted using aspen institute. [7]
Some of you would argue then that supporting depopulation program is not the same with terminating present population, because the measure actually is vaccination or other measures intended to reduce population growth rate. But for you to know that among those elite groups, there are plan to take both drastic measures, i.e. reduce growth rate of population to zero growth (negative checks), and also to reduce present population drastically (positive checks). But of course they will not tell you the second plan. Only a number of scientist dare to admit that their assumption is based on argument that human beings are not more than bacteria, therefore if some people say that human carbondioxide emission is causing heating of earth, then following such a cruel argument will somehow make terminating a large amount of people sounds like terminating bacteria. That is why a number scientist is reported to tell a number of audience sometime ago that reducing 90% of population is possible with ebola. Now you see, that bill gates is not far away from other proponents of malthusian selection.[8]

And that is exactly what the club of rome is all about, they want you to believe that to avoid crises in the future (quite long term, that is one hundred year), then you should agree with them that so many man-built crises should be put into effect in order to reduce human population. Such a view is supported by a number of elite groups such as bilderberg, club of rome, committee of 300, and perhaps numerous other pseudo-environmentalist movement who actually only want to follow malthusian or neo-malthusian programs.[9] For those of you who want to know more what is malthusian argument, see for example [12].
Some nationalistic people hold the view that depopulation quite makes sense for the sake of national security, but you should know that it is only another hoax crafted by the same elite groups who actually only want to make profitable trading for war in the name of national security.[11] And you should know that those people do not care if the victims of their depopulation program is their own citizens.
A number of scientists including Christian scientists in developing countries seem to agree with such a proposition brought by club of rome. That is why rarely you hear that there should be alternative arguments, that is how to solve energy and other resources depletion without having to terminate so many people. And you do not have to cook up a crackpot argument such as human carbondioxide emissions, which seem a bit too fantastic.

While solving natural resources depletion remain an open problem, one perhaps can recall that no matter what happen, reducing 90% human population in the name of human-beings survival in this planet is not a legitimate policy. And that is the essence of message of Pope John Paul II not so long time ago:
"The common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights - for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture - is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination."[10]
Some of you who manage to have a healthy sense should do quick actions to expose or to stop those hoax talk and conference speech by pseudo-environmentalist agents who actually only want you to agree with them that such a drastic population reduction up to 90% of world population is good for all human-beings in this earth, because that view is ridiculously cruel. While family planning may be understandable for over-populated nations, planning to reduce population drastically especially population of foreign countries (or ‘positive checks’ in malthusian terminology), should be stopped.
Some of you will find that those elite groups are too powerful, and they plan to make real effects of their malthusian plan right now in 2010, that is why you need to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. And then do your best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, to all your family and friends.

Love, Jesus Christ
30 july 2010

[1] bilderberg depopulation policy, see url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlcGtbDzy1w&feature=related
[2] vaccine and depopulation agenda. see url: http://wn.com/Vaccines_and_the_Depopulation_Agenda
[3] quote: “In 1968, Aurelio Peccei, a former executive of Fiat (Fiat President Gianni Agnelli was a charter member of the 1001 Club), founded the Club of Rome, another by-invitation-only organization, to peddle a new, computer-age brand of Malthusianism. In 1970, with a grant from the Volkswagen Foundation, Peccei hired Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer whiz-kid Jay Forrester, and a team of his students, to prepare a report on the world population crisis, which was published several years later under the title Limits to Growth. Using a fraudulent concept of “carrying capacity” that completely ruled out human scientific discovery, Forrester and his students, Dennis and Donella Meadows, claimed that a combination of overpopulation and resource depletion would wreck the planet.” Source: url: http://windfarms.wordpress.com/2008/03/30/earth-hour-scam-world-wild-life-fund-scam/
[4] quote: “Our conclusions are : 1. If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years. The most probable result will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity.” Source url: http://www.propagandamatrix.com/archive_club_of_rome.html
[5] quote: “launching of the WWF, Huxley openly boasted that the ecology movement would be the principal weapon… to impose a malthusian world order…, and, most importantly, the United States.” Source url: http://windfarms.wordpress.com/2008/03/30/earth-hour-scam-world-wild-life-fund-scam/
[6] url: http://www.population-security.org/28-APP2.html, http://www.lifesitenews.com/waronfamily/nssm200/index.html
[7] quote: “Robert O. Anderson’s major vehicle to spread the new “limits to growth” ideology among American and European establishment circles, was his Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies…Robert O. Anderson also contributed significant funds to a project initiated by the Rockefeller family, together with Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, at the Rockefeller’s estate at Bellagio, Italy, called the Club of Rome.” source: url: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_globalization37.htm
[8] quote: “The depopulation plan is supported by the world’s wealthiest people, including Bill Gates, who admittedly funds vaccinations to reduce global populations by 10-15%. Leading population planners and economic developers advance identical plans to cull the world’s population to 1 billion. … requires planning and an unprecedented conspiracy to commit genocide by applying advances in genetic biotechnologies exclusively available and affordable to drug companies controlled by the investment bankers,” Dr. Horowitz adds.” Source url: http://jennyhatch.com/2010/05/09/profitable-depopulation-plot-links-jp-morgan-chase-and-goldman-sachs-to-vaccination-contaminations-and-bigpharma-corruption/
[9] quote: 'The Club of Rome is a Neo-Malthusian organization with interlocking membership with European power elite groups such as the Committee of 300 (a secret society founded by the British aristocracy in 1727) and the Bilderberg Group. Malthus argued that population was held within resource limits by two types of checks: positive ones, which raised the death rate, and preventative ones, which lowered the birth rate… One of the major goals of the Club of Rome is to reduce the world's population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary.' Source url: http://www.jeremiahproject.com/newworldorder/club-of-rome.html
[10] [Christifidelis laici. no. 38], url: http://www.thegeorgiaguidestones.com/Depopulation_Understand_the_Questions.htm
[11] quote: “National Security is a morally valid undertaking, but only when taken in the context of self-defense. But in a world of greed that … (following the tenets of economic liberalism) and has upheld the principle of "survival of the fittest" (according to social darwinism), mankind has gone through many sad experiences of selfish aggression, which are amply recounted in the history of warfare and tyranny. … Thus, modern governments have tended to abuse "national security" and "national defense" as the lame justifications for inflicting violence on other peoples and even among their own citizens.” Source url: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/798778/posts
[12] quote: “he depopulation of the world through economic policies and under the justification of saving the environment is the modern form of Eugenics. And this agenda is at the center of environmentalism and the New World Order, yet is being carried out by stealth with the masses at ignorance.” Source url: http://www.axiomatica.org/revealing-the-matrix/eugenicsdepopulation

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