Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

Does dan brown publish another mind-experiment book?

by Jesus Christ

Some people think that you can do a number of weird experiment using quantum mechanical argument, that is a thought can alter your environment. Similarly, there are a number of weird ideas explained in brown's new book The lost symbol,[5] according to NY Times: "when many people share the same thought, that thought can have physical effects."[1]
Such an effect of mind-experiment have been investigated in a number of psychology-quantum mechanics experiment, but actually that proposition is based on what you can call as 'copenhagen school', that is a perception that an action or mind-state of an observer can alter the course of an experiment. But nobody knows whether such an altered state can be observed also in a large (not in atom size) experiment. For instance, there were rumor among physicists of the so-called Pauli's effect, where he can wreck a laboratory only because he was standing nearby that laboratory; then this effect caused a number of experimental physicists consult with Pauli only behind the door of laboratory!
Such a mind-triggering effect which mimics with psycho-kinesis, can be viewed as extension of a philosophy by Schopenhauer, which can be considered as one characteristics of new age thinking. That proposition includes altering the course of one or two small things based on your mind-concentration. That is why some new age proponents teach that you can believe your own power to do that mind-altering experiment . And if you do yoga and other gymnastic acrobatic actions then you can focus your mind and then you can alter your environment. Such a proposition based on Schopenhauer can be seen as pseudo-scientific argument, even if you read them along with copenhagen-type argument. For example, see a number of acts in a dark-comedy movie that is Life is Beautiful, where the actor want to repeat experiment related to Schopenhauer's philosophy.
What seems a bit more interesting here, is that apparently the Lost Symbol book also want to mention a number of experiments in order to support the ideas espoused in that novel story book. That kind of experiments are discussed or called as The Intention experiment, see [2]. While such things may or may not be related to quantum mechanics, nobody can precisely explain how one can do those things from the viewpoint of wave mechanics theory, for example.
Other stories described in The Lost Symbol may include such superstitious things like that, and they may connect to a number of experiment, but those experiments (sometime they are called 'fringe' research) have not been accepted formally because nobody can provide a concise but clear description about how those things can happen in our experience.
Other superstition which often can be found in dan brown's novel is apparently he want you to believe in his arguments, that is concerning the secret teaching of sacred feminine. And he put a number of observed facts, which more often are blended with pseudo-scientific arguments. Celebrating sacred feminine gods then can be considered as an invitation to study more on those ancient gods in a number of ancient mythologies included isis-and-osiris, and which are quite obsolete and baseless. Returning to the old gods which sometime behave like human has been suggested by gnostic proponents, and that movement can be traced back to ancient Greece, Sumerian teaching etc. In other words, in gnosis you can reach salvation if you learn a number of secret teachings, which only few people realize.
Actually gnosticism had already been taught since the first century after the birth of Jesus Christ. And a number of books which call themselves 'gospel' are being referred often by those gnostic proponents, including in da vinci code, where dan brown cite a number of gospel including gospel of philips and gospel of mary. And you should know that gnosticism is not Christian teaching, nor it is a biblical teaching.
Don't you know that there is an ancient Jews scholar (named Philo) who teaches that there are two gods in ancient Greece, that is Sophia and Logos, and those will bring balance, because Sophia is the name of the sacred feminine part. And that is why you find that a character in dan brown's book da vinci code is called Sophie, and also a keyword in a cryptic tube has its name: sophie (for 'wisdom'). That is actually a major theme in a number of dan brown's novel books: "The major theme of Brown’s novel is the pressing need to recover the "sacred feminine" and a revitalized worship of a goddess or goddesses."[4]
To quote again [4], "Put succinctly, here are the major problems with The Da Vinci Code:
1. It attacks the Catholic Church and her beliefs about Jesus Christ, the Bible, and Church authority.
2. It promotes a radical feminist, neo-gnostic agenda.
3. It propagates a relativistic, indifferent attitude towards truth and religion.”

That is why, those people who teach you gnostic actually only boast their own pseudo-knowledge crafted without serious study, and that is why numerous criticism that dan brown's books are bland, are already written in amazon.com [3]. Therefore, you ought not to believe on such human teaching, because those teaching only disguise the real teaching, that is that salvation comes only by gift of grace of God through Jesus Christ. And nobody will be saved because he/she know much more of the secret teaching.
Regardless of the possible connection between intention experiment ala Lynne McTaggart and the lost symbol, one can cite the following other acute problem in modern psychiatric medicine, that is the common use of pharmaceuticals to solve dopamine and other chemical imbalance. This time the name is real: "Dr. Jackson is utterly, refreshingly horrified by psychiatric medicine. In fact, she is horrified by most forms of pharmaceutical medicine, period. She spends her life lecturing and writing about the dangers of drugs and their ability to cause mental illness."[2] That common use of pharmaceuticals in clinical psychiatry creates so much drug dependence, and with result that only 1% of all psychiatry patients recovered (in usa, based on a report). But that problem is not an excuse for you to follow gnosticism.
Furthermore, another character of dan brown's novels is that they become thicker and thicker, apparently with specific purpose to disguise you more with boring statements and remarks which are pseudoscientific. Here is a comment from a reader:[3]
"There were some whole passages, even chapters, that served no purpose other than to inflate your book to an unnecessary size. I don't mind reading big books, but I do mind reading through unnecessary words."
And that is a character of pseudo-teacher, and actually character of false prophet, who often use lamb skin as covert to their real wolf skin. They often make thick human teaching, just like pharisees did centuries ago, only in order you worship them. And they do not want to touch the burden that they create. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 23:2-4.

That is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. And then do your best to throw away all dan brown's books and all leigh & baigent's books because they only offer a number of gnostic non-sense. Also throw away all books discussing speculative teaching of marrying with mary magdalene and other false teaching about Me, Jesus's dynasty.

note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, in order you to know that the End of Time is very very very very very near, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then stop wasting time by learning gnostic teaching in numerous days or months. All of those gnostics teaching are hoax and worthless. love, Jesus Christ

9 aug 2010
Love, Jesus Christ

[1] url: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/14/books/14maslin.html?_r=1
[2] mind over matter experiments can be found in http://www.theintentionexperiment.com/
[3] url: http://www.amazon.com/The-Lost-Symbol-ebook/product-reviews/B002KQ6BT6
[4] url: http://www.envoymagazine.com/planetenvoy/Review-DaVinci-part1.htm
[5] url: http://secretsofthelostsymbol.wordpress.com/

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