Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

GFA Teams Bring Hope to Pakistan's Flood Victims

What has been called the most widespread disaster to hit Asia in decades has impacted the lives of some 14 million people and left upwards of 1,600 dead—with more flooding being forecast.

The U.S. government is sending military helicopters to help evacuate stranded survivors, and humanitarian agencies are gearing up to send relief supplies to ease the suffering.

Dr. K.P. Yohannan, president of Gospel for Asia, says something more is needed, and GFA teams are already on the scene with that added dimension. "As soon as the flooding began, we had several dozen workers on the ground bringing food, water and blankets to the victims," he said. "But they also brought something else—they began sharing true hope with every person they met. And that is something that even the most needed relief supplies can't do alone.

"That's why our relief workers not only distribute relief supplies, but also counsel and pray with men and women who are suffering emotionally as well as physically. This gives them the only true hope they can find to rebuild their lives."

The UN estimates that one-fifth of Pakistan is now under water, with crops flooded, livestock scattered or dead and entire villages wiped out. Some 6 million children are estimated to be homeless, according to UNICEF.

There are also warnings that water-borne diseases may reach epidemic proportions without adequate supplies of clean drinking water. When floods pollute local wells, people are forced to drink the floodwaters themselves, which carry diseases from the thousands of carcasses that float in them. That's one reason GFA teams bring clean water along with other relief supplies.

"Clean water is a definite priority," Dr. Yohannan emphasized, "and it is our joy to give out 'cups of water' in the name of Jesus.

"Jesus said, 'As you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me.' So what an opportunity it is to minister to these suffering victims in His name.

"As far as suffering goes, this is one of the worst disasters in history. For Christians, however, it is also a great chance to show how much God loves people."

"It is also an opportunity for our Christian brothers and sisters in the West to join with us in bringing God's hope to these suffering people," Dr. Yohannan added.

"It is my prayer that thousands of these precious men, women and children will find new life in the midst of this tragedy. Your gifts to Flood Relief through Gospel for Asia will truly make a difference in Pakistan."

source: http://www.gfa.org/flood/pakistan/?cm_mmc=GFA-_-Email-_-377991-_-100813%20-flood-pakistan-1

see also: http://news.id.msn.com/top-stories/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4273950

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