Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

how do you know fourth reicht

by Jesus Christ

Some people think that second world war is over around six decades ago. But actually second world war is only put into refrigerator for a while. The meaning is that: general donitz only continue hitler’s plan, but he know he cannot find support anymore, that is why: he plan to find fake documents for all Germany eschelons and also for all east wing soldiers who survive, in order they can find save haven in other country including brazil and argentina.(a) And they also manage to get a treaty signed by nephilim from outer space,(b) in order nazi soldiers can find another job in other country.
Don’t you know that that those very very very very very cruel people who invite back nephilim to come to earth and destroy earth again? That is because they worship black sun, that saturn or satan itself. Yes, they worship black sun because all of them are part of thulle society.(c) And that is why: you should know that time is not enough to do anything, except to do your best for Kingdom of Heaven. For you to know: thulle society is very very very very very dark cult in earth, and they are part of dragon court,(d) and they are also connected to knights of templar, that is why those nazi eschelons are sometimes referred to as new knights of templar.(e)
Now for you to know: nazi order in Germany is called third reicht, by their own leader. Actually hitler administration is supported by a number of bankers in America, including a number of large oil corporation. That is why: auschwitz lab were saved from allied bombing in 1945 because they already do some experiments for rockefeller standard oil.(f) And that is why: you should not worship a human, including rockefeller. That is the message: actually the bankers and a number of large corporation which support third reicht are even more powerful, prosperous, and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel. That is why: they are becoming even more prosperous after second world war completed, because after that second world war, Europe require financing for rebuilding all facilities, and then the few bankers who create and finance hitler administration now come again but as a savior. That is ever more very very very very very cruel. And that is the meaning of fourth reicht(h): they are a number of large corporation with a few number of very very very very very prosperous and powerful people who can influence and alter the direction of history by creating and managing so many war in other country, and then they will come as a savior and offer a huge loan and they call that as a indication of good will and friendship.
There is a simple experiment that you can do in order you can be sure that is really really really very very very very very cruel way to ruin the world and then re-building out from ruin that they already destroy. That is the principle they use to promote their cruel cruel way: creation by destruction, and then they will come with another plan, that is bail out. For you to know, that is only those bankers who only want to maximize their utility, and then they destroy other country first, in order those victims will require help and then they will be slave and that is the plan: to make all people to be slave of the old dragon, otherwise they will not be able survive anymore. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 13:17, 14:15-19. That is the simple experiment that you can do: type the following words with all small letters in MS Office Word, that is potsdam, auschwitz, donitz, rockefeller, himmler, and you will find automatically changing the first letter of those words to become capital letter. Those cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel people will find argument that this automatically changing of first letter of these words are only caused by typing name, but you can verify with other city in Germany, for example berlin and munich, and you do not find the same effect of automatically changing first letter of these words. The message is: they want you to put and respect them as if they are big name, and that is blasphemy.
Don’t you know that actually their grand plan is to reign the world completely, that is why they want to remove all barriers of trading, all nation governments, and also all economy borders. That is why they are called new world order.(g) Actually that is blasphemy, because only your Father in Heaven can take care the whole world. He allow government to take care a nation, but to control the whole world is blasphemy and forbidden. The plan to control the whole world is a character of the old serpent, and that is why nephilim also plan to control the world, in order to make all people in the world as slave of nephilim and new world government. That is why you should do your best to oust and destroy fourth reicht completely quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.
Don’t worry, do not worry about anything, just repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Don’t you know that those people actually are only descendant of the old serpent, that is why: you should not worry of them, instead you should work as maximum as you can for the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why: you should not worship or praise human, that is blasphemy.
Now you already know the method of fourth reicht in order they can be even more prosperous and powerful and all of you will be slave of them without you know what happen in your life. All of these is character of descendant of the old serpent: all of them are prosperous, powerful, and very very very very very cruel. And they always blame other people after they destroy so many poor people’s life.
Thank you, Me already help you. This article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, and Me allow My messenger to type this article in order you to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.
That is the article for today. Love, Jesus Christ

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(a) admiral donitz’s strategy. Quote: ‘The “strategy” of Hitler’s successor, Dönitz, was one of capitulation and of saving as many as possible of the westward-fleeing civilians and of his German troops from Soviet hands. During the interval of surrender, 1,800,000 German troops (55 percent of the Army of the East) were transferred into the British–U.S. area of control.’ source: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/648813/World-War-II/53600/The-German-collapse-spring-1945
(b) URL: http://www.abidemiracles.com/56789.htm
(c) thulle society. Quote: ‘The term black sun (German schwarze sonne), also referred to as the sonnenrad (the German for "sun wheel"), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance, notable for its usage in nazi mysticism.’. URL: http://scienceofyeshua.yolasite.com/the-black-sun.php
(d) dragon court. URL: http://www.bilderberg.org/skulbone.htm
(e) URL: http://www.whale.to/b/levenda.html
(f) Quote: ‘John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil. They personally brokered the partnership between Standard Oil and I.G. Farben chemical corporation. I.G.Farben not only produced gasoline for the Nazi war machine, it manufactured "Zyklon B"’. URL: http://www.voxfux.com/features/knightsofmalta.html
(g) Quote: ‘The U.S. is leading the way in getting the nations of the world to unite without borders by way of free trade, massive immigration both legal and illegal and trying to convince all other nations to join in on the fight to save the planet from Global Warming. NAFTA opened the doors to eliminating borders by opening up trade between willing countries and creating a more global economy rather than economies separated by countries.’ source: http://www.ufodigest.com/news/1209/roswell-agreement2.php
(h) fourth reicht. Quote: ‘To predict the imminent rise of the Fourth Reich may seem radical to readers who do not know about the Bush role in funding/directing the Nazi's genocidal program and the revival of eugenics projects through the alliance of wealthy families that was forged in the first half of the century. The close ties between the Bush family and other eugenically-obsessed elites remained strong and George H.W. Bush (Skull & Bones, 1948) picked up where his father left off with the added daunting task of making the dirty work of eugenics once again look respectable in America.’ source: http://watch.pair.com/reich.html

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