Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

why banking sector reform will lead to financial turmoil this year

by Jesus Christ

petition online: http://www.takepart.com/actions/stop-social-darwinism-policy-in-europe-usa-asia-and-africa/51403

Some people think that market deregulation and corresponding market integration is always good for all, as an implication of a belief that exchange in market contribute to social utility. Quote from rothbard: ‘(1) that the free market always increases social utility; and (2) that no act of government can ever increase social utility. These two propositions are the pillars of the reconstructed welfare economics’. (b) Actually We already prove that maximize utility contradict welfare, and that free market do not improve welfare at all,(a) and that is why market deregulation will lead to financial turmoil. That is because everyone will be selfish, especially rich people will find their way to collect more wealth across the boundary of national borders, and the effect is they will be able to pull all money from other poor people in other countries. That is why the new translatlantic agenda is pure evil.(c) That is the meaning, the meaning is that new transatlantic agenda is very very very very cruel, and that is part of mengele plan to complete financial integration. The supporter of new transatlantic agenda will always say, that market deregulation and financial liberalization is always good for everyone in the market, and if you do not agree with that, that is because you are not an economist. That is the message: they will always blame you if you figure out their cruel cruel cruel plan to destroy America, Europe, Asia, China, and they plan to do that and complete their plan to cause financial turmoil this year. That is why: do your best, I repeat, do your best to throw away lawrence summers and george soros and the number one chairman of big country who always speak and speak and speak about banking sector reform, quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the bottom of the sea today.
Actually the actual practice of new transatlantic agenda is to eliminate all poor people, because only rich people can take advantage from the new integrated market with free flow of capital. That is a very very very very cruel plan that all foreign exchange traders dream about, especially those noise traders who do not care at all about the poor people and always put mammon against national economy stability, and some of them already ruin Great Britain, Asia, and Eastern Europe countries. Now Me, Jesus Christ, give you My gift to you today, that is the name of those very very cruel foreign exchange market traders who plan to ruin your country, the name is: lawrence summers and george soros. That is the name of cruel exchange market noise traders who put plenty of investment in order to realize the new transatlantic agenda, because they work together to make Europe countries to get capital drain completely, just like what they have done in USA last year, and they already find who is to blame for their evil doing. That is the message: do not believe in a minister who put his feet wet in foreign exchange market, because they do not take care of you, they only worship mammon and want to conquer the world. Read again and again and again and again and again Matthew 4:9-10. And that is why: throw away all foreign exchange market traders into the bottom of the sea quickly quickly, I repeat, quickly quickly today, including lawrence summers and george soros. And don’t you know that one of character of cruel cruel foreign exchange market traders is they put so many different email addresses in different state in USA, that is soros.
That is the message: foreign exchange market always dream of greater market integration where they can find more and more market to play with, that is very very very very very cruel, and they plan to create global financial turmoil with deepening impact to all poor people. That is part of mengele plan and social darwinism agenda. That is the message: throw away all darwin books, all evolution books, all social darwinism books, and all foreign exchange market books, quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the fire, including throw away the number one chairman in the big nation who always speak speak speak and speak about banking sector reform in Europe. Throw away all of them into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly today into the fire without questioning them again. And don’t you know that the number one chairman in the big nation, that is America, already pull so much money from another series of speech to convince people in America of the necessity of healthcare reform. Actually it only take so much money for itself, and then put the mammon to foreign exchange market, that is why it want to increase market integration with Europe, and it call the cruel cruel plan with another euphemism, that is: banking sector reform in Europe. That is why: stop all exchange market including currency market especially stop money all of those noise traders who can find so much money to ruin other country’s economy in one day. See a paper by j.e. frankel (d) concerning the character of noise traders, that is: they can put in effect that banking sector support them in order they can create noise in foreign countries, and that is why they can promise larger yield of the amount of mammon they borrow from the bank. That is very very very very cruel.
Don’t you know that actually numerous study have concluded the same destroying effect of market deregulation and financial liberalization to financial crises and instability to national economy. Quoted from a source: ‘...the opening up to international financial markets has led to a large number of financial crises.’(e) And another source conclude the same destroying effect of financial liberalization: ‘Financial reforms and financial liberalization have been at the root of many recent financial and banking crises.’(f) And some economists call that effect as flaw of Shaw-McKinnon thesis of financial liberalization: ‘It also demonstrated flaws in the Shaw-McKinnon 1 thesis of financial liberalisation.’(g) The summary of these quotes are as follows:
a. Instead of social utility, free market without any regulation will make all people, especially noise traders, to always increase their own wealth, they call that as maximize utility. On the other side, We already deduce that maximize utility always contradict with welfare.(a)
b. And that is why: you will always find financial turmoil if you deregulate your market. The problem is that some rich people especially a minister who keep his feet wet in foreign exchange market will always find a way to get support from Europe bankers, without pointing to the financial turmoil to come. And they do not mention in public the root cause of financial crises in America in 2008 is exactly financial liberalization, under the previous government administration, which is already pulling so many people in USA to broke down literally speaking.
c. And if in this year they put into effect that cruel cruel banking reform plan in Europe and that very very cruel plan will cause so many financial turmoil in European countries, they will act as if they do not know that flaw of Shaw-McKinnon thesis as described in other papers by economists.(g) And they will put themselves in other series of meeting and conferences and they will blame you all poor people for ruining the economy, just as what they already do with the America financial crises in 2008 and also in 2009. They will call that problem is caused by some other problems, for example mortgage market failure as before, and the plan is to eliminate all poor people in America, Europe, Asia and other countries, and doing that in secrecy because that is their hidden social darwinism plan.
d. That is why: do your best, I repeat, do your best to throw away all foreign market traders into the bottom of the sea quickly quickly quickly quickly today, and do not question them again, because they can always find reason to rationalize their intention as maximize utility is always taught in economics classroom. Actually they are so selfish and they are not economists at all, they are only noise traders.(d)
That is the article for today. You can also read a recent article published in The Economist magazine, concerning recent trend of big government in America and Europe, the meaning is that the big government will switch the monetary control from New York to Washington, D.C.(h) And don’t you know, that the resulting effect is that the number one chairman in big country mentioned above want all mammon for itself, that is very very cruel. And it plan to remove all wealth from America people, including social security and retirement plan and healthcare system, that is the plan of social darwinism. That is why: do your best, I repeat, do your best to stop social darwinism quickly quickly today, and throw away all darwin books, all evolution books, all dawkins books, quickly quickly today into the fire, including richard dawkins itself.
And that is the message: be hurry and quickly quickly be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all country in the world. Don’t you know that Me, already come again in Jerusalem? That is the meaning: now Time is up, and today is The Final Judgement Day. And that is why: you should be hurry and quickly quickly be hurry to throw away all foreign exchange market traders into the bottom of the sea, and also throw away lawrence summers and george soros into the bottom of the sea, quickly quickly, I repeat, quickly quickly quickly today without further questioning them.
This article is written by Me, Jesus Christ, and Me allow you to read this article in order you can repent and do your repentance properly. And Me allow My messenger to type this article in order you can repent and follow Me only. follow Me only at http://www.twitter.com/guidetorepent
Tweet this message quickly quickly today and distribute this message to all your friends: now Time is up, and Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. Thank you, Me already help you.

Love, Jesus Christ

And do not be hesitating to copy and distribute as maximum as you can, the guide to help people to repent and do their repentance properly. Tell all of them to speak about Me, Jesus Christ.
visit My messenger read My message in http://www.youtube.com/guidetorepent

visit URL as follows:
follow Jesus Christ only at http://www.twitter.com/guidetorepent

(a) Jesus Christ (2009) Why you should not maximize utility. Thesis submitted to Asian Theological Seminary, submitted at 10 January 2010. This thesis can be obtained online at URL http://www.esnips.com/web/RepentanceGuide
(b) Murray N. Rothbard (1956) Toward a reconstruction of utility and welfare economy. Reprinted in M.N. Rothbard, The logic of action one: method, money, and the Austrian school. Edward Elgar, London, 1997, pp. 211-255. URL: http://mises.org/rothbard/toward.pdf (p.31 in pdf file)
(c) the new transatlantic agenda. Quote: 'Without detracting from our cooperation in multilateral fora, we will create a New Transatlantic Marketplace by progressively reducing or eliminating barriers that hinder the flow of goods, services and capital between us. We will carry out a joint study on ways of facilitating trade in goods and services and further reducing or eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers'. source: http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/us/docs/new_transatlantic_agenda_en.pdf
(d) j.e. frankel, ‘International capital mobility and exchange rate volatility,’ source: http://www.bos.frb.org/economic/conf/conf32/conf32f.pdf
(e) URL: http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACY518.pdf
(f) URL: http://www.iceg.org/NE/projects/financial/reforms.pdf
(g) URL: http://www.odi.org.uk/events/archive/cox.pdf
(h) The Economist, ‘The growth of the state: leviathan stirs again,’ January 21, 2010, http://www.economist.com/PrinterFriendly.cfm?story_id=15328727

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