Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

how maximize utility and social darwinism contradict welfare

by Jesus Christ

To you: you should know that economy is intended to achieve welfare in society, and that is very very important. And maximize utility apparently give way to individuals to achieve welfare. But actually one should define first what welfare is. We tell you now: welfare is taking care those who are poor and needy among you, and giving your food to those who are hungry, and giving your clothe to those who need clothe. Don’t you know that there are always many people who need to be taken care properly. Read again and again and again and again Matthew 25:31-35.
And you should know that you should give more than what you take in your life, that is the principle. Some people think that they can always take, take and take from their friends, from their partner, from their stockists who do not get the product. And then they make their way to collect wealth.
Such a way to collect wealth is called maximize utility, but actually that is very very cruel. Don’t you know that it is blasphemy to collect things more than necessary? You should not collect things, because that reflect that you always worry. Don’t you know that your Father in Heaven really really love you, and He will be disappointed to hear you feel that your life is miserable. That is why, you should not worry or even think that your life is miserable, because that is blasphemy. Read again and again and again and again Matthew 6:25-34.
Some people pray and ask to God to teach them why maximize utility contradict welfare. Now you get the answer, the answer is that maximize utility only teach you to take take take take and take from your family, from your environment, and also from your partner in business. As Reder laments: “Consideration of the welfare implications of envy, for example, make it impossible even to say that welfare will be increased by everyone having more of every commodity.”(a) That is very very very very cruel. For you to know that Rothbard thought that he can prove that there is social utility of free exchange in market, and no act of government can ever increase social utility.(a) That is the basis of what he called as reconstructed welfare economics.
‘(1) that the free market always increases social utility; and (2) that no act of government can ever increase social utility. These two propositions are the pillars of the reconstructed welfare economics’. (a) page 31

And that is very very very very cruel, because that paradigm is misguiding the policy makers to adopt new laissez faire and they do that without care of people who are not in economics system, that is very very very very cruel. My messenger do not find the first conclusion of Rothbard as a proven conclusion, and the truth his argument is contradictory to his own statement:
‘There is no distributional process apart from the production and exchange processes of the market; hence the very concept of “distribution” becomes meaningless on the free market. Since “distribution” is simply the result of the free exchange process, and since this process benefits all participants in the market and increases social utility, it follows directly that the “distributional” results of the free market also increase social utility’. (a) page 30

My messenger do not find that rothbard’s conclusion that is: ‘results of the free market also increase social utility’ is convincing. And I approve My messenger’s reasoning because really really that is very very very very cruel. For you to know: distribution cannot be expected from free market exchange, that is what we can deduce from rothbard’s own statement (“distribution” becomes meaningless on the free market), but then he move forward to conclude that free market increase social utility. That is very very very very contradictory. Actually rothbard worship mammon and free market and French laissez faire system, that is because he is a mason. For you to know: rothbard is a mason and he hate control by government regulation.
“that no act of government can ever increase social utility. These two propositions are the pillars of the reconstructed welfare economics.” (a) page 31

Actually government offer protection and basic facilities and legal protection to all people, that is the principle of a good government. And that is why My Father allow government to demand taxes if they are properly regulated and administered. Don’t you remember the story in the Bible that Me allow My disciple to pay tax? Read again and again and again and again: Matthew 22:21. My messenger remember other story from the Bible but Me do not approve and do not allow him to put in this article.

Today We explain the principle of a welfare system:
a. Tax = providing security protection, basic facilities, legal protection especially for those who are weak and cannot defend themselves
b. Services = voluntary and social work to take care people who are needy and poor.
c. Benefit for society = pay your tax and government should provide protection and basic facilities including electricity, telecommunication, and education, and hospital. Do work to take care those who are needy and poor among you, and your Father in Heaven will bless you more. Read again and again and again and again and again Matthew 6:33.
d. Incentive system = free tax period and extra off-day from work should be given to company and individuals who do voluntary and social work for those who are needy and poor among you, the same free tax period and extra off-day from work should also be given to company and individuals who do evangelism in order all country can hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. That is the principle, and that is how you should repent and do your repentance as a society. Read again and again and again and again Matthew 9:9-13. That is how Matthew repent.
e. Disincentive system = do not teach people to maximize utility, do not preach prosperity theology, do not make My Father’s Church as scornful and ungodly place. That is the principle, and punish and throw away all prosperity theology preachers quickly quickly into the bottom of the sea. Read again and again and again Matthew 18:6-7, Matthew 21:13, Psalm 1:1. If you do not punish prosperity theology preachers today, then all of you will get a full glass of wrath of God today. For you to know: the principle of disincentive system is to not allow the scornful and the ungodly to take over government and education and healthcare system, otherwise they will ruin your society completely. That is why: throw away all prosperity theology preachers including the incumbent of the United States quickly quickly today into the bottom of the sea. For they are very very very very very very cruel, and all of them actually is part of larger plan, that is social darwinism and mengele plan. For you to know: mengele remain survive in latin america, and the plan is to make a larger termination camp in massive scale, and that is the entire world, including Europe, America, Asia, Africa and other countries beyond these continents. And they call their cruel cruel cruel plan as: depopulation policy.(b) for you to know: depopulation policy is actually part of social darwinism, that is to control population growth rate using malthusian selection. (c)

Some people do not know the meaning of cruel, because actually they also do not know the meaning of trapping friends and family in order someone can get more wealth more than anyone else, but now you should know that you should be aware and take actions quickly to punish punish severely those scornful and ungodly especially all of prosperity theology preachers. I, Jesus Christ, repeat: throw away all prosperity theology preachers quickly quickly quickly today into the bottom of the sea, and never mention their name again forever. Actually there is verse in the Bible that mention that all those scornful and ungodly should not even be remembered again in your memory, and do not even mention their names anymore forever.

You should know that time is not enough to discuss anything that you ask, only because you do not want to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. That is the message: the message is be hurry be very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Tweet this message quickly and distribute this message to all your friends quickly quickly quickly today.
Sign and participate in the petition to stop social darwinism policy in Europe, United States of America, Asia and Africa. Sign and join the petition quickly today and share and invite your friends and all your colleagues. URL: http://www.takepart.com/actions/stop-social-darwinism-policy-in-europe-usa-asia-and-africa/51403

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(a) As quoted in Murray N. Rothbard (1956) Toward a reconstruction of utility and welfare economy. Reprinted in M.N. Rothbard, The logic of action one: method, money, and the Austrian school. Edward Elgar, London, 1997, pp. 211-255. URL: http://mises.org/rothbard/toward.pdf
(b) URL: http://policystateplanning.com/chapter_14_.htm
(c) malthusian selection, on the other hand, is proposed as a force for selection at the level of populations in addition to natural selection.
"...the malthusian paradigm pictures competition between organisms of the same species as an important force. Attention was shifted from the struggle between the lion and the lamb to that between the lamb and the lamb." source: http://members.optusnet.com.au/exponentialist/malthus_evolution.htm

To you: you should know that economy is intended to achieve welfare in society, and that is very very important. And maximize utility apparently give way to individuals to achieve welfare. But actually one should define first what welfare is. We tell you now: welfare is taking care those who are poor and needy among you, and giving your food to those who are hungry, and giving your clothe to those who need clothe. Don’t you know that there are always many people who need to be taken care properly. Read again and again and again and again Matthew 25:31-35.
And you should know that you should give more than what you take in your life, that is the principle. Some people think that they can always take, take and take from their friends, from their partner, from their stockists who do not get the product. And then they make their way to collect wealth.
Such a way to collect wealth is called maximize utility, but actually that is very very cruel. Don’t you know that it is blasphemy to collect things more than necessary? You should not collect things, because that reflect that you always worry. Don’t you know that your Father in Heaven really really love you, and He will be disappointed to hear you feel that your life is miserable. That is why, you should not worry or even think that your life is miserable, because that is blasphemy. Read again and again and again and again Matthew 6:25-34.
Some people pray and ask to God to teach them why maximize utility contradict welfare. Now you get the answer, the answer is that maximize utility only teach you to take take take take and take from your family, from your environment, and also from your partner in business. As Reder laments: “Consideration of the welfare implications of envy, for example, make it impossible even to say that welfare will be increased by everyone having more of every commodity.”(a) That is very very very very cruel. For you to know that Rothbard thought that he can prove that there is social utility of free exchange in market, and no act of government can ever increase social utility.(a) That is the basis of what he called as reconstructed welfare economics.
‘(1) that the free market always increases social utility; and (2) that no act of government can ever increase social utility. These two propositions are the pillars of the reconstructed welfare economics’. (a) page 31

And that is very very very very cruel, because that paradigm is misguiding the policy makers to adopt new laissez faire and they do that without care of people who are not in economics system, that is very very very very cruel. My messenger do not find the first conclusion of Rothbard as a proven conclusion, and the truth his argument is contradictory to his own statement:
‘There is no distributional process apart from the production and exchange processes of the market; hence the very concept of “distribution” becomes meaningless on the free market. Since “distribution” is simply the result of the free exchange process, and since this process benefits all participants in the market and increases social utility, it follows directly that the “distributional” results of the free market also increase social utility’. (a) page 30

My messenger do not find that rothbard’s conclusion that is: ‘results of the free market also increase social utility’ is convincing. And I approve My messenger’s reasoning because really really that is very very very very cruel. For you to know: distribution cannot be expected from free market exchange, that is what we can deduce from rothbard’s own statement (“distribution” becomes meaningless on the free market), but then he move forward to conclude that free market increase social utility. That is very very very very contradictory. Actually rothbard worship mammon and free market and French laissez faire system, that is because he is a mason. For you to know: rothbard is a mason and he hate control by government regulation.
“that no act of government can ever increase social utility. These two propositions are the pillars of the reconstructed welfare economics.” (a) page 31

Actually government offer protection and basic facilities and legal protection to all people, that is the principle of a good government. And that is why My Father allow government to demand taxes if they are properly regulated and administered. Don’t you remember the story in the Bible that Me allow My disciple to pay tax? Read again and again and again and again: Matthew 22:21. My messenger remember other story from the Bible but Me do not approve and do not allow him to put in this article.

Today We explain the principle of a welfare system:
a. Tax = providing security protection, basic facilities, legal protection especially for those who are weak and cannot defend themselves
b. Services = voluntary and social work to take care people who are needy and poor.
c. Benefit for society = pay your tax and government should provide protection and basic facilities including electricity, telecommunication, and education, and hospital. Do work to take care those who are needy and poor among you, and your Father in Heaven will bless you more. Read again and again and again and again and again Matthew 6:33.
d. Incentive system = free tax period and extra off-day from work should be given to company and individuals who do voluntary and social work for those who are needy and poor among you, the same free tax period and extra off-day from work should also be given to company and individuals who do evangelism in order all country can hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. That is the principle, and that is how you should repent and do your repentance as a society. Read again and again and again and again Matthew 9:9-13. That is how Matthew repent.
e. Disincentive system = do not teach people to maximize utility, do not preach prosperity theology, do not make My Father’s Church as scornful and ungodly place. That is the principle, and punish and throw away all prosperity theology preachers quickly quickly into the bottom of the sea. Read again and again and again Matthew 18:6-7, Matthew 21:13, Psalm 1:1. If you do not punish prosperity theology preachers today, then all of you will get a full glass of wrath of God today. For you to know: the principle of disincentive system is to not allow the scornful and the ungodly to take over government and education and healthcare system, otherwise they will ruin your society completely. That is why: throw away all prosperity theology preachers including the incumbent of the United States quickly quickly today into the bottom of the sea. For they are very very very very very very cruel, and all of them actually is part of larger plan, that is social darwinism and mengele plan. For you to know: mengele remain survive in latin america, and the plan is to make a larger termination camp in massive scale, and that is the entire world, including Europe, America, Asia, Africa and other countries beyond these continents. And they call their cruel cruel cruel plan as: depopulation policy.(b) for you to know: depopulation policy is actually part of social darwinism, that is to control population growth rate using malthusian selection. (c)

Some people do not know the meaning of cruel, because actually they also do not know the meaning of trapping friends and family in order someone can get more wealth more than anyone else, but now you should know that you should be aware and take actions quickly to punish punish severely those scornful and ungodly especially all of prosperity theology preachers. I, Jesus Christ, repeat: throw away all prosperity theology preachers quickly quickly quickly today into the bottom of the sea, and never mention their name again forever. Actually there is verse in the Bible that mention that all those scornful and ungodly should not even be remembered again in your memory, and do not even mention their names anymore forever.

You should know that time is not enough to discuss anything that you ask, only because you do not want to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. That is the message: the message is be hurry be very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Tweet this message quickly and distribute this message to all your friends quickly quickly quickly today.
Sign and participate in the petition to stop social darwinism policy in Europe, United States of America, Asia and Africa. Sign and join the petition quickly today and share and invite your friends and all your colleagues. URL: http://www.takepart.com/actions/stop-social-darwinism-policy-in-europe-usa-asia-and-africa/51403

follow Us only at http://www.twitter.com/Guidetorepent
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(a) As quoted in Murray N. Rothbard (1956) Toward a reconstruction of utility and welfare economy. Reprinted in M.N. Rothbard, The logic of action one: method, money, and the Austrian school. Edward Elgar, London, 1997, pp. 211-255. URL: http://mises.org/rothbard/toward.pdf
(b) URL: http://policystateplanning.com/chapter_14_.htm
(c) malthusian selection, on the other hand, is proposed as a force for selection at the level of populations in addition to natural selection.
"...the malthusian paradigm pictures competition between organisms of the same species as an important force. Attention was shifted from the struggle between the lion and the lamb to that between the lamb and the lamb." source: http://members.optusnet.com.au/exponentialist/malthus_evolution.htm

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