Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

how you can repair your brain damage because of paranoia

by Jesus Christ

Some people often listen to numerous voice inside their head, and that is what a number of psychiatrist call as paranoia. Don’t you know that paranoia often is accompanied by depression, in particular if you do not communicate properly with numerous people around you. Some people do not find solution at all for their paranoia, even after numerous year of suffering that paranoia, and you should know that paranoia is different from dementia, or vertigo or insomnia or other acute phobia disorder.
Don’t you know that for a number of year nobody know how to solve that paranoia disorder, even if some people especially who work in chip manufacturing think and teach that only paranoidic people will survive, and that is andrew groove, because he also often suffer such a paranoia disorder, and he do not know how to solve that problem given exponential increase of chip clock speed that some people often call as an exponential growth law.
Don’t you know that if you suffer paranoia completely, then you will not be able to distinguish between reality and illusion, and that is why: some people who often think like that are called to suffer delusion. And don’t you know that actually the cause of such a paranoia delusion is you often read too many scientific paper which do not obey simple principle and that is to put respect to objective reality. Don’t you know that if you often read scientific paper which do not respect to objective reality and the attitude of those scientific paper is to reject reality, and those scientific writer who type that paper do not fear of God at all, then you as the reader will gradually develop paranoia. Don’t you know that numerous other people fall to suffer paranoia because you do not know what to do in your life, and that is also characteristic of all descendant of the old serpent, that is they always suffer delusional story inside their head, and that is exactly because they always listen to the serpent of wisdom.
And to all of you who want to be released from those paranoia delusional disorder and also from vertigo, and also psychosis and also from vertigo, and also from autistic disorder, do your best to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your best to do your repentance properly including do your fast properly from ten p.m. until 12 a.m. the next afternoon, and then read your prayer and ask to your Father in Heaven to help you to repair your brain damage and to release you from your suffering.
Don’t you know that unless you repent and you receive Me, Jesus Christ, you will not be able to cope with that paranoidic delusional disorder exactly because that is serpent of wisdom which take over your brain and ruin completely your memory.
Some of you suffer paranoia because they do not want to participate in a party movement in their country, and then a leader in a big big big big big country also want him to die exactly because he already cancel completely a number of toxic that is a nuclear plant project. don’t you know that if you do not repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, again and nobody will help you to recover your brain damage, exactly because they send to you that satan itself in order to ruin your brain.
That is the article for you today. love, Jesus Christ.

Note: the article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Love, Jesus Christ. Don’t you know that some people realize that they also suffer numerous psychological disorder ranging from simple perfectionistic disorder until heavy psychosomatic and psychosis damage to their brain, and they always think that nobody care to their disorder problem. Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, are the Light from Heaven who come to the world, and then all of you choose the darkness power and that is exactly because you prefer to listen to the old serpent of wisdom, and that is scientology and philosophy and numerous fake story that you call literature. And after a while you find out that reading too many string theory, general relativity theory, darkmatter theory, other darkness teaching such as magic and scientology and philosophy and other sophism including gnosticism, and that is why: after some time you develop paranoia and delusional disorder. Don’t you know that even if you live with numerous member in your family who are completely delusional and your family follow satan only and do magic and blasphemy numerous time, and even if your family is completely broken to pieces and dysfunctional completely and you do not know how to glue all those pieces together, just repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. And then pray and ask to your Father in Heaven to help you and to heal all your pain in your life. Don’t you know that some of you will have to separate yourself from your satanic family in order you can be helped and be released from satan inside your brain, but that is only to save you from numerous other problem which may come to you, because satanic family will not be happy if you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. And that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.

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