Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

turin shroud is a fake story, and that is why: do not worship a shroud

by Jesus Christ

some people believe that turin shroud is a true story of a shroud that nicodemus put to wrap My body after crucifixion, and they often visit that shroud in turin especially prior to Easter moment. see a posting today on this issue:
but don't you know that turin shroud is a fake story, even without a recent proof by an italisn scientist. numerous people fall into idolatry and they worship a remnant of crucifixion of jacques de molay in fourteenth century. and that is what some of you call as: hyper-reality. that is pure fake story of turin shroud, and that is idolatry to worship a shroud, and the meaning is that you worship jacques de molay which is a knight of templar, as if it is the messiah.
and that is why: you should not worship a shroud, and you should worship GOD only. read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.
love, Jesus Christ


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