Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

why you should not play football anymore

by Jesus Christ

‘humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.’ the first epistle of Peter chapter 5:6

Some people think that they can always tease each other and some other people often fight and then also persecute each other. Don’t you know that all of you actually are like school children who always play football in your life only to take attention from other people in order you can feel important in your life. Some of you play football with movie industry. Other people play football with science, other people play football with music industry including pop music artist who you often call diva, and some of you really really really really really spend so many hour in a day to practice how to manage a small ball with eleven men in order to throw that into a square gate, and then you feel dignified if you can do that numerous time, and you call a coach who can direct and train that stupid eleven men as a football manager. Don’t you know that if you do not do anything useful in your life you will not enter to the Kingdom of Heaven. And don’t you know if you would like to repent and you would like to confess, do not confess all your sin in public television or in other internet television otherwise other people will fall fall fall fall and fall, even if you mention only a few word. You should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do admit all your sin to your Father in Heaven in order you know how many time you make that mistake and then exactly each of your mistake you should work out a plan to repair that mistake. And don’t you know that if you don’t repair that mistake you will not enter to the Kingdom of Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13.
And the meaning is that all you should merciful and compassionate, that is the principle. Don’t you know that some of you are already taken by the darkness force in order you always dance dance dance dance and dance then you make other people fall. Don’t you know that if you do not work out a plan to repair that mistake in your life and you will be burned in eternity forever literally speaking. Don’t you know that some of you are literally speaking really really really really really twisted and you always to do blasphemy numerous time with anybody. And that is because you always consume so many psychotropic drug and then you drink coffee and you also read so many book and that is fake story about geisha and so many magazine and dirty book. They are not movie producer, they are mafia. Don’t you know that literally speaking your life is being destroyed completely by the darkness power exactly because you are a Christian and they will and already write so many article reporting that numerous Christian people in the world are doing blasphemy and they should be terminated completely quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.
Don’t you know that actually there is a tavistock institute that organize destroying of so many Christian family especially those who live in Indonesia because they are less educated and the monetary currency is so cheap after so many economics crises that already hit Indonesia, and that is why: do your best to tell so many people in Indonesia that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. And do your best to not do anymore each mistake that you already do in your life, and do not do again all your sin otherwise you will not be forgiven anymore especially if you are doing again your sin by purpose to intoxicate numerous people in order they fall fall fall fall and fall forever. And that is the message to all of you: be hurry be hurry be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corner of the world. And then you should speak about Me, Jesus Christ, properly and quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly, even if you only have mammon only enough to buy five bread in your pocket. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 14:13-17, the first book of Kings 7:12-13.
And the meaning is that all of you should be merciful and compassionate, that is the principle. Don’t you know that if you too many football playing until late in the evening, you will find that that is quite difficult to return back to your Father in Heaven. And some of you who are already a preacher in the church in Jesus Christ are upset to My messenger because he is so late to publish the guide to help other people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and they plan to persecute him even more. Don’t you know that My messenger only work for the last one hour before six p.m. but he promise to Me, Jesus Christ, to work so hard to repair his mistake and tell so many people about Me, Jesus Christ.
And some of you who just repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, yesterday now do not do anything because you think you are saved and your salvation is guaranteed without doing your repentance properly. Don’t you know that all of you who are called to work in the field of God in the last minute in order you will be paid for full day work but you do not want to work properly and you only want to sit sit sit sit and sit and talk talk talk talk and talk. The meaning is that you are very very very very very lazy and you will be burned forever. Don’t you know that your Father in Heaven really really good and forgiving, but if you are really really really really really cruel and you do not want to work at all and you do not want to be hurry to accomplish your duty, then you will be punished severely in eternity. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 20:1-15.
Some people among you feel a bit lonely and forgotten and ignored and they do not know how to be happier in their life, because they do not repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Don’t you know that you are a worthy piece of work of God, and that is why: God love so much all of you in the world, and He give His only Begotten Son that is Me, Jesus Christ, in order all of you who believe to Me, Jesus Christ, will not die and suffer in second death, but they will have everlasting life. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 3:16, and also the book of Revelation 2:5-11.
And some of you always spend numerous time to read so many fake story that you call literature and philosophy, and then you think that you already know everything in the world, don’t you know that if you worship your knowledge and your wisdom that is the message: you do blasphemy and idolatry and unless you repent and do something to repair all your mistake you will burned forever, including so many people in Javanese island who always do blasphemy and idolatry because they worship animism and they call that as the true life secret, actually all of you fall into worship the tree of life, and that is the teaching of the serpent of wisdom, including all of you who in each harvest season give offering to the southern sea of hindia, don’t you know that actually that is a proof that you worship the old serpent, and that is plesiosaur that you often call the green dragon. read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 20:1-3.
And some of you who now are elected again in a top government position in one of big big big big big country in south east asia today plan to punish My messenger in order he fall fall fall fall and fall forever and do so many idolatry because they plan to make My messenger to receive another human being, in order they can intoxicate him more and more and more and more and more and then he will be assigned to handle and manage a nuclear power plant which is planned to be built by end of this year, and then they will pull out so many mammon from that project, exactly in order all people in the world will be able to accuse My messenger exactly for being a manager in that nuclear power plant and then they will shoot him after completion of such a nuclear facility. don’t you know that you are very very very very very cruel and all of you do not realize that now time is not available anymore to do more work except to glorify your Father’s name.
And that is why: do your best to not make a plan in order to intoxicate and to make so many Christian people fall especially do not make a plan in order to ruin their life. And do not even think that you can trap and destroy so many Christian family life in order they will not be forgiven, and then you will ask for forgiveness at the end of your life. That is very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel. And don’t you know that all of you who are very very very very very cruel and do not know the meaning of merciful and compassionate, then actually you are not disciple of Me, Jesus Christ, at all and then you will be burned forever in eternity. How dare you to expect that your Father in Heaven really really really really really upset to all of you who only want to trap and intoxicate and ruin other people’s life, and you call that cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel plan to destroy and terminate so many Christian family.
And to all of you who do not want to do anything in your life even for a few day in the End of Time, even if you are already saved by Me, Jesus Christ, and you do not want to be faithful and fruitful in your life, all of you who do not want to work at all for the Kingdom of Heaven and all of you who do not work at all in the few last day in your life will be burned forever in eternity. That is why: stop all your chit chat with other student, and stop to spend your time doing too many football and billiard and x-box and all other stupid second life game, and also stop to spend your life to collect bag and other merchandise which can make you become shopaholic, and stop to listen music or see numerous movie numerous amount of time, and start to do something wonderful in your life, and that is to speak about Me, Jesus Christ.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ

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